There Is Healing Power In Christ

- There Is Healing Power In Christ
"And the whole multitude sought to touch Him: for there went virtue out of Him, and healed them all." (Luke 6:19)
     Our theme scripture tells us that when everyone touched Jesus, they were healed. That is the first thing I'd like you to know: there's no discrimination with God; anyone can be healed. Any infirmity can be cured. It doesn't matter the city or the condition, it can. And this is true because while these things may seem impossible with men, with God all things are possible.
     The preceding scripture tells us that they came from all over to hear Him and in doing so they also got healed of their infirmities; and if a demon was behind it- as is with most sicknesses -He cast them out (v.17-18). So yes, Jesus heals. He acknowledged this when He said healing power had gone forth from Him (see Luke 8:46); but what's much true is that He can-and wants to-heal you. Having believed in Him, divine health became your right; and if you have been ill, healing became your reward. Remember, He illustrated that healing is the children's bread (see Matt 15:26).
    You are a child of God, and so regardless of what you may be experiencing presently, God says healing is yours. And it doesn't just have to be in your conventional health status. Many persons are sick in their marriages, finances, education, career and what have you; but it doesn't matter because the healing power of Christ covers it all. He calms every storm regardless of where it may be found.
    Now, how do we get in contact with this power? As much as we have Christ living on our inside, we can literally still meet and touch Him in person as much as we want. The Bible says that as many as met Him were made whole because the healing power was present (Luke 5:17-24). And how did it happen? By the Word. We meet Christ in the Word every day. When we study it voraciously, we are literally consuming the Person, Power and Promises of Christ. And He says as many as eat of Him shall live by Him (John 6:57). Jesus was never kept down by any illness or plague; and so in the Word we will find the capacity by the Spirit to live above the present illnesses. Glory to God!
    Recall that Jesus healed multitudes from demonic oppressions and infirmities by the Word (Matt 8:16). By the same Word, you will rise above the ashes of infirmities and demonic oppressions. This is sure because He sent His Word and healed them of all their destructions (Psalm 107:20). Christ is your healing; and He is the Word (John 1:1). He is the wisdom of God expressly revealed for your rejuvenation (Proverbs 4:20-22). Therefore, meditate on the Word, and walk out free of any of such ill states to the glory of God.

My body is the temple of God. And He dwells in me just as much as I dwell in Him. In Him is divine health and healing, and these virtues are active in my mortal body till eternity. He has healed me of all my wounds, and has restored me to perfect health in all aspects of my life. Hallelujah!


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