Pray About It

- Pray About It
"The Lord God says: I am ready to hear Israel's prayers for these blessings, and to grant them their requests. Let them but ask and I will multiply them like the flocks that fill Jerusalem's streets at time of sacrifice. The ruined cities will be crowded once more, and everyone will know I am the Lord" (Ezekiel 36:37-38 TLB)
     This is exactly what Jesus reminded us of; He said that if you haven't gotten what you desire, ask that your joy might be full (John 16:24). Prayer is never a waste of time. It is simply the perfect means to have needs met and problems solved. Apostle James asked the church if anyone in their midst had been suffering? And then gave them the sleek solution they needed. He said "Let him pray" (James 5:13). And yes while it's true that God knows all about our needs before we even say a word; He still wants us to say it, because the Spirit of God works on words.
     At the beginning, God spoke words of faith, and the Spirit by it brewed the worlds into shape. It's also how He works with us when we pray in faith. He says that we shall speak a word and it shall be established (Job 22:28). But by what mechanism? By the spirit of faith. Just as God says a thing and the Spirit makes it come true (Isaiah 34:16), when we speak in prayer in the spirit of faith, the Spirit of God gathers its manifestation unto us. Jesus affirmed this when He said that when we pray, believing to receive, we shall have all we had asked for (Mark 11:24).
     And yes, God still answers impossible requests. When the strange inquiry was made, the Chaldean sages termed it impossible since the gods weren't supposedly there to help (see Daniel 2:11), but Daniel proved them wrong (v.17-19). God is always with us, and is always eager to hear and help us. He said "Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will show you great and mighty things.." (Jeremiah 33:3).
    So, are you passing through a hard time? Pray. As our theme verse depicts, God is ready to hear you; and much more now that He resides in you, He is ready to bring it forth. Moses overcame many issues through prayer. Hezekiah also had the same glorious experience. Paul enjoyed its many benefits, and so has many who trust and rely on the Lord. Jesus said "Cases like this require prayer" (Mark 9:29 TLB). And it's legit because through prayer, we pour out the glory of God that's already within us into our environment and experiences. Hence, don't waste anymore time, pray about it today.

Heavenly Father, I commit my needs [specify them] to you. You are my helper and the lifter of my head. You promised that you will supply all my needs, and that whatever I ask in Your Name in accordance to your will shall be given unto me. Therefore, in line with your Word which is your will, let my requests be turned into results, in the Jesus Name. Amen


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