Never Hide Your Testimony

- Never Hide Your Testimony
"I will give You thanks in the great congregation: I will praise You among much people." (Psalm 35:18)
    God always wants us to acknowledge what He has done for us before others. He wants us to glorify Him before them, so that they can also tap into that same grace and glorify Him as well. When Jesus healed the ten lepers, and only one returned, Jesus sternly enquired why the nine never returned to show themselves (Luke 17:17-18). Jesus did that not only because acknowledging the good things He has done for us perfects them in our lives and create a bias for more, but because our words of testimony are how He also draws others to Himself (see John 4:28-30).
    So, it's really a great disservice whenever we try to hide it. Furthermore, when the hemorrhagic woman touched Jesus to gain her complete restoration, the Bible says "But Jesus told him, 'No, it was someone who deliberately touched me, for I felt healing power go out of me.' When the woman realized that Jesus knew, she began to tremble and fell to her knees before him and told him why she had touched him and that now she was well. 'Daughter,' he said to her, 'your faith has healed you. Go in peace.' (Luke 8:46-48 TLB).
    Jesus could have let it go, but didn't, because (1) Her acknowledgment of what happened would perfect the miracle, and (2) Her testimony would strengthen the faith of others who were also looking up to Him for help. In essence, when you get to the Christian assembly where you worship, or where you work, or where you live, do not be shy to speak of all God has done for you. David said he would speak of the mercies of the Lord (Psalm 89:1). He would tell of all the wonderful things God had done for him- and we can find that in the compilation of psalms he left for the people of God; for through it, others will be edified, God will be glorified, and he would be justified.
     Zechariah spoke of this. He said by hearing and seeing what God has done for us, strangers will flock to the Lord (see Zechariah 8:23). And remember testimonies are meant to be shared, not shredded nor hidden; for the things the Lord do are always good and marvelous in our sight- too captivating to be hidden (Psalm 126:1-3). Scripture says "The LORD has brought forth our righteousness: come, and let us declare in Zion the work of the Lord our God." (Jeremiah 51:10). Hence, go ahead and do so.

My life is filled with the glorious deeds of God. I am a beneficiary of His grace, and have enjoyed His boundless loving-kindness. Therefore, I will sing of His goodness, and proclaim His faithfulness from the mountaintop. Glory to God! Glory to God! Glory to God! Now and forever. Amen.


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