Have Faith My Friend

- Have Faith My Friend
"Have faith in God." (Mark 11:22)
     We have been told for centuries now to have faith in God because it's the only way to withdraw the realities of His realm into ours. However, still it seems as though many of us don't know how to have faith. So, what is faith?
     Faith is simply believing God's Word as it is. It never tries to reason its way out of belief. Hebrews 11:11 says "Sarah, too, had faith...for she realized that God, who gave her his promise, would certainly do what he said" (TLB). It is the act of accepting God's Word as the truth and every other appearances as a farce regardless of how real they seem. The house of Abraham did, and they rejoiced at last. By faith, they did all God declared, and were blessed in it. Recall, listening has no blessing on its own unless what is heard is believed and applied (James 1:25). And that's faith!
     Second, faith is acknowledging God for whom He is. Luke 7 says "...the captain sent some friends to say, "Sir, don't inconvenience yourself by coming....Just speak a word from where you are, and my servant boy will be healed! I know, because I am under the authority of my superior officers, and I have authority over my men...."Jesus was amazed. Turning to the crowd he said, "Never among the Jews in Israel have I met a man with faith like this" (v.7-9 TLB). The more we see God for who He really is, the less we see the troubles as what we thought they were. You can't put your trust in Him and have Him disappoint (Psalm 34:22). God is not like men who often promise and fail (Numbers 23:19), He sticks to His Word and you can count on that. If He's said it, then He will do it. That's what 1 Thessalonians 5:24 says. And when we exercise faith we agree with that truth.
    Third, faith is standing in agreement with what God has said. Scripture says "Can two walk together except they be agreed?" (Amos 3:3). Faith is standing on the integrity of God's Person and His Word. Little wonder why He calls a man who practice such blessed (Luke 7:23). Hence, you have to stand in agreement with God. The present signs may be sending negative signals, but you have to believe God for what's He declared to you. Remember, faith doesn't need things to be seen before it's approved; it approves things in order to have them seen. And it's what God expects of you. Recall, you are seated in the heavens with Him already.
     Philippians 3:20 says we are citizens of heaven; and that we have a great heritage than what the patriarch ever enjoyed (see Luke 7:28). Hope you got that? The Bible referred to us as citizens of heaven with greater experiences in store for us. It's who we are now- like Him; and it's where we are living now- in God's realm, where His experiences naturally are our experiences. We just need to stay in faith to materialize this inherent reality of ours on the earth. So as the hymn writer says, regardless of what's happening right now, have faith in God.

I believe the Word of God. I believe everything it says about me. The world may not agree with it, but it's the only reality I know. I believe all the great experiences it assures me of in Christ are already at work in me by the Spirit, and I know they shall be translated into my present reality to the glory of Jesus. Amen.


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