Be Covenant-Minded

- Be Covenant-Minded
"Remember his covenant forever- The words he commanded to a thousand generations" (1 Chronicles 16:15 TLB)
     The Word of God is His covenant to as many as believe. Everything written in it is God's intention for and expectation of us. Remember that we were born by the Word (1 Peter 1:23), and so it is our life. Anyway, in our theme verse, David shows us the secret of overcoming the harsh challenges of life. He said 'When things get tough, I remember the covenant of God towards me'. And we know His covenant is inscribed in His Word. He goes further to explain more, saying that, "This is my comfort in my affliction, thy word quickens me" (Psalm 119:50).
     The word "quickens" here means to keep alive and to make alive. He could have used "was" to mean a one time thing, but he used "is"- present tense -to show it is an every time thing he did whenever affliction arose. In other words, when David had every reason to be sad, he considered God's Word to him, and he was sustained. But how did it happen? It did because he believed it. Recall that only the Word you believe and receive can save you; and so he says "I would have fainted if I had not believed to have seen the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living" (Psalm 27:13).
     The very thought of God's faithfulness as relayed through the Word kept him going- and kept him -in victory. Yes indeed, this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith in the Word (1 John 5:4). We see another example in Martha. When Jesus told her that she would see the glory of God if she would only believe all He had told her all the while (see John 11:40), He was trying to keep her focused on His Word.
      The strength to conquer all trials comes from immense focus in the Word. Don't get your mind warped anywhere else; keep it on the Word. He instructed Joshua, saying "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shall see to it that thou meditate upon it day and night, and observe to do all that is written therein, that thou mayest prosper and find good success" (see Josh 1:8). Keep your mind in tune with His Word of covenant; get acquainted with what it says about you, and hold on to it until its reality becomes your only reality (Isaiah 34:16). Stick to it, and it will come true, in exactly the same manner the disciples always found everything as Jesus had said (see Mark 14:16). Glory to God!

I'm acquainted with the Word of His covenant. It is His plan and will for my life. It assures me of a life of exploits as Christ Himself manifested; for as He is so am I in this world. Therefore, I keep my mind on it at all times. It is my delight - more precious to me than silver and gold; for it tells my story. It tells of my predestined victory through Christ Jesus, to the glory of God. Hallelujah!


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