They Couldn't Get Over It

- They Couldn't Get Over It
"When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream." (Psalm 126:1)
      When the Lord's hands come upon your situation, it kinds of puts you in a frenzy. That's what miracles do: they get you thinking. Their inability to be explained yet incapable of being denied sends the human reasoning into a frantic mode. That's why David said such moments become like a dream. A day ago you had no hope, and now others look to you for hope. That's something God specializes in.
      Jairus had the same experience. The Bible says that after Jesus raised his daughter from the dead, his entire family "...just couldn't get over it..." (Mark 5:41-42 TLB). It was too good to be true, yet it was true. And this is something God promises to do in our lives every day. He says "Look, and be amazed! You will be astounded at what I am about to do! For I am going to do something in your lifetime that you will have to see to believe" (Habakkuk 1:5 TLB). He says "eyes have not seen, nor ears heard, and neither has the mind conceived what God has prepared for them who love Him" (see 1 Corinthians 2:9).
     When the time of its fulfillment comes, you can be guaranteed it blow your mind away beyond your wildest imaginations (Mark 7:36-37). David said that even your enemies will be perplexed on your behalf, and shocked to their bones. They will desire to know the God who had done it for you; and at the end your period of weeping will give room to the period of rejoicing (Psalm 126:2-6). This should excite you. It is what Jesus has destined for you - a life filled with experiences (positive experiences) that can't be gotten over easily. Experiences that will keep you in "Seventh heaven". So therefore, go ahead and praise Him in anticipation for them. Glory to God!

Lord Jesus, I thank you because everything you have in store for me will see the light of day by Your Spirit working in me. It shall be marvelous in the eyes of men. And according to your Word, where I've had troubles, I shall begin to experience double honour, to the glory of your name. Amen


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