Thank Him In Anticipation

- Thank Him In Anticipation
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank him for his answers" (Phil 4:6 TLB).
      Most times when we read this scripture, some assume that he was speaking about thanking God after the reception of the answers to our prayers; but the King James Version reveals that the thanksgiving part is also meant to be among the prayer sequence. It says " prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known". So, it's not a post-prayer agenda; rather it is meant to be an in-prayer agenda. It should in be your prayer itinerary.
      David said we must "enter his gates with thanksgiving, and go into his court with praises; be thankful unto him.." (Psalm 100:4). And what are we going there to do? Scripture says to obtain help, grace and mercy in time of need (Hebrews 4:16). So, as we pray, we must also thank Him simultaneously for the answers we expect of it. It enhances the efficiency of our prayers. Take for example Jesus before Lazarus tomb, scripture records that He thanked God for "always" answering Him (John 11:42). "Always" there signifies even at that moment. Furthermore, He did the same during the miracle of feeding the five thousand. In fact every time Jesus thanked in advance, miracles followed. It's the same with us; that's why He tells us to give thanks in all things (1 Thess 5:18).
      As you wait for answers to your prayers, thank Him for them already; and you'd have guaranteed their arrival. It produces an unusual peace of God in you which will stand as a surety for the fruition of your trust in Christ Jesus regarding the request at hand. Hence, rather than complain, worry,moan, gripe or whine, choose to insure your petitions by affirming them with thanksgiving to God in advance.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your Word concerning me because it assures me that all things will work to my advantage regardless of how they appear now. I thank you because my requests are already in material realities by the provision of the redemptive work of Christ Jesus. And so I celebrate now because indeed I shall celebrate at the end of it all, in Jesus Name. Amen


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