Our Mission On Earth

- Our Mission On Earth
"It is God himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ages ago he planned that we should spend these lives in helping others" (Ephesians 2:10 TLB)
     The last part of that verse says that it is God's plan that we should spend our lives helping others. In other words, our lives are somewhat currencies God's given us to improve the present state of many individuals. But now the question is, how does He expect us to help them? Just like everything in life, God expects to see just as much of the spiritual equivalent as of the physical. This means that it is expedient that we offer help to their spirit and their body. We'll start with the most beneficial of them both.
     When God planned ages ago that through our lives, we'd help others, He intended that we'd stand as medium to bring them to the position we have been placed in by Him. In the successive verses, the Spirit through Paul says that we were once lost, and without hope as well, but now that we belong to Christ we have been brought near to Him through His blood (v.13).
     Thus, He expects us to help draw men to Him. He wants us to help the lost find Him again. And we do this by preaching the truth of Jesus Christ wherever we find ourselves. Remember, God sent His Son into the world as a soulwinner; and all we who are now sons of His in Christ are also by heritage commissioned to be soulwinners. Plus, it's how we clearly express our praise to God. Hebrews 13:15 says that we will continually offer our sacrifices of praise to God by telling others of the glory of His name (TLB).
     The next, also very beneficial, way is being kind in every way to those around us. Verse 16 of Hebrews 13 says "Don't forget to do good and to share what you have with those in need, for such sacrifices are very pleasing to Him" (TLB). Remember that the greatest form of spirituality is love, and its most practical means of expression is kindness. Even Jesus went about doing good; first by telling people about God, and then healing (helping to recover) all that were oppressed (Acts 10:38). These are the primary responsibilities of the believer regardless of what his profession may be.
     You may be a banker, a teacher, an IT expert, a doctor or what have you; but one thing we all are is the ambassador of God's Kingdom. We reflect to the people around what the Kingdom is like; and there's no better way of doing that than by leading them to Jesus, and revealing to them His love in real time.
    According to Ephesians 4, God's purpose is for us all to be like Christ in nature and also in embodiment; not just ourselves, but as many as we can bring into the fold. This is our mission in Christ: to make out of every man we can reach the person of Christ through the power of His Spirit. Hence, having known your key primary responsibilities in Christ, don't delay anymore; go right ahead and start practicing it.

I am an ambassador of the Kingdom. My purpose is to recreate and establish the aura of God's Kingdom till Christ reigns in the heart of all men. I'm a beacon to my world, to reveal the beauties of the light and life of Christ to those around me; and so shall I live, to the glory of God. Amen.


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