Let The Kingdom Be Established

- Let The Kingdom Be Established
"And in the days of those things the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor shall its sovereignty be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever" (Daniel 2:44)
     Jesus showed His disciples the signs that shall precede His return, but of all only one did He motion that shall initiate the establishment of the Kingdom of God on the earth. Note, the Kingdom of God has come, and we are dwelling in it. It is presently resident in our spirits. God's heaven is resident in us actively; however it hasn't been completely established on the earth, because when it does not only will His true knowledge fill the earth as the water covers the sea, His will shall also be done throughout the earth in unison. The politics of the earth won't stop it, because His will shall become the lands' politics.
      And so in Matthew 24, Jesus tells us that there shall be epidemics, wars, natural disasters and tribulations; everything we have witnessed thus far; but then He tells us how the Kingdom will be brought to establishment on the earth. He said "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations; and then the end will come" (v.14). Until the whole world hear of the gospel, God's Kingdom will not be established on the earth with Christ as King.
     But guess what? Like Paul said in Romans 10, the gospel won't preach itself; people will. That's why God has sent you and I in the very nature of Christ as preachers of His Word to teach the nations and make disciples of Christ in them. The rewards are endless; He says the faithful ones shall rule over everything He owns (Matthew 24:47); but what's more important is the responsibility that is ours. To do this effectively, we have to live like a sheep.
     If you have studied the sheep life carefully, you'd realize two things: First unlike the goat, it doesn't have a mind of its own. It follows its guardian unhindered regardless of what may have happened days before or presently. Second, they trust without wavering. If a shepherd approaches the sheep with a blade, they will still have no sense of fear even if his intention is to slay them; because they trust Him committedly, unlike the goat.
    So, we must like the sheep be attached to the Master's own will enough to follow it, and trust Him enough to stay on track in spite of the impending persecution we might face. And this is His will; that we spread forth the Kingdom. Jesus had only the will of the Father in His will, and He brought the Kingdom to you and I (John 5:30); if we would do the same, we can also initiate its inevitable establishment on the earth. Amen.

Glorious Father, my desire is to see your will established on the earth. To have people learn of you, and come to you. For this I thank you for making me a custodian of your Word, and ask for the courage to effectively take the truth of your Kingdom to everywhere you shall send me, in Christ Name I pray. Amen


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