Let God Be Enough For You

- Let God Be Enough For You
"...for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee". (Hebrews 13:5)
     Our theme scripture assures us of God's reliability. Everything might fail, but God won't. He can't even if He wanted to; it's just inconsistent with His nature. And He says that even if everything created were to lose their place, His Word will never be anything else than settled forever. David went further to explain what that means: he said "Even when my father and mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up...and lead me in a plain path" (Psalm 27:10-11). God is just too faithful to fail- regardless of circumstances nor conditions. You just have to believe it, and prove it every day in your attitude.
     In late 2011, I was offered admission into the university of my choice. It was a memorable day- one I had been waiting for. I had aced the entrance exam, and was the number one pick on the department's merit list. However, on my end, I didn't have the funds to accept the offer; and so stood a great chance of losing the reality that was declared mine at that moment. The funniest part was that every time I prayed to God about it, or studied the Word to find answers concerning my situation, He would respond saying "Let God be enough for you. Let your faith work for you!" School resumed, but I didn't, because I still couldn't afford to pay for it. Anyway, to cut the long story short, on a day I thought I'd just have to forget about the whole situation, God showed up, and made provisions for the funds; and the end of the story is that I graduated four years after in great colours.
      The essence of this story I just told you is to help you understand and accept that your case is not over as long as God is still involved. He may not have showed up on your time, but He will show up on time. Remember that He is your source; and as long as the source still overflows, it doesn't matter how dry the channels may appear to be presently, there's surely going to be a flow soon. You simply just have to trust Him to prove His Word as true in your life. I did believe when He asked me to trust Him to see it as He had said it, and so did Abraham and Sarah who counted Him too faithful to fail (Hebrews 11:9-11), and so must you.
     Regardless of all that's happening around you, God will never forsake you. It may look like He has, but learn to see beyond what it looks like. Behind the shadows of your ordeal is the sunshine He's bringing your way. He never said troubles won't come; but He'd say that we should rejoice because He already overcame it all on our behalf. So, this is my advice to you: In spite of what you see, always trust God to be enough for you.

Father, I thank you because you're always thinking about me, and have prepared everything needed to sustain me. I thank you because I have more than enough in you. You are more than gold to me. And I trust that despite the circumstances that surround me, you will always come through for me; meeting all my needs according to the riches of your glory in Christ Jesus. Amen.


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