He Died For Love

- He Died for Love
"...the Son of God, who loved me and gave his life for me" (Galatians 2:20 GNB)
     The crowd in Jerusalem thought they were planning to kill Jesus, but they never knew that it was actually He who had long ago planned to die for them. They were motivated by jealousy and hate; but He was moved by love. It was something He had chosen to do for our redemption. They assumed they had cornered Him with their many great accusations that He couldn't respond anymore; they never knew He was simply surrendering Himself to the Father's will.
     This is why His death wasn't a defeat or something to cry about as the disciples initially did, it was an absolute and flawless victory. A reason to celebrate. It demystified the mystery of love- the mystery of His love for us all. It was a well written script from divinity delivered to humanity. The people took responsibility for what they called the blasphemer's punishment, and the curse if any went with it, but He closed that chapter when He said "Forgive them for they know not what they do". Jesus sealed the chapter of your redemption with mercy.
    You see, love led Him to the cross, and love led Him out of the grave for our justification. He was guarded against, yet He rose just for you and I. His love knew no limits, and still doesn't know any. His only desire was to see us abiding in His life and light; and love took Him everywhere He needed to be to bring about its fulfillment. Love took upon Him our indemnity that we might have His liberty and identity. He Himself was the price for our redemption, making us as valuable as He is to the Father.
     In other words, I want you to know that Jesus loves you. You may be imperfect, but still He die for that imperfect you because He loves you. Oh, how He loves you! He calls it a greater love; a love that sees His life as a worthy price. And He wants you to stay in that love. Scripture says what can separate us from the love Christ has for us? It says nothing can and nothing will (Romans 8:35-39). He loves up that much; all we can do in gratitude is appropriate the same by loving Him with all your heart. Let the understanding of His love lead you to love Him and others as well. Remember, He didn't need your permission to love you, and you didn't even do anything for Him to have loved you. He just loved you because He is all love is. Hence, savour in this moment of His love, and through it reveal this same love to all around you; for every single man needs love to survive and thrive.

Lord Jesus, I thank you for loving me with an eternal love. I thank also for bringing me into the reality of this love every day by your Spirit. And as I walk in its expression to the glory of your name, may many be drawn unto you. Amen.


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