Don't Limit God

- Don't Limit God
"And without faith it is impossible to please him. For whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him" (Hebrews 11:6)
       Men can't resist God, but they can limit Him. They can't stop Him from being who He is or doing what He does- He is I AM irrespective of opinions and actions; however they can hinder Him from being who He is and doing what He does in their lives. Mark 6:5 says that Jesus couldn't do as much as He wanted in Nazareth because they wouldn't believe Him. They limited Him. How? By their lack of faith. And that's exactly how many of us limit God every day of our lives.
      Jesus said "According to your faith, let it be unto you" (Matthew 9:29). What this means is that God would do for you what you believe He can do for you. That's why it is said that being a believer isn't enough ground for you to be healed, believing God to be your healer is. Faith is how we trade with divinity. You can do nothing and be nothing unless faith is involved. And as He said, we determine to what extent He can move on our behalf. When He healed Bartimaeus or the Syrophoenician woman or the hemorrhagic lady, it was because He saw faith. Paul exemplified this same assertion when healing came after he had seen faith in the attitude of the lame man at Lystra (Acts 14:8-10).
      But it's ironically bizarre that in spite of what a lot of us have seen Him do, like the disciples, we still choose to doubt. Notice what happened in Mark 6:52, "For they still didn't realize who he was, even the miracle the evening before! For they didn't want to believe. " (TLB). You can do better; so as to experience better. He says that if we'd have faith, no mountain can oppose us. Don't become the reason why mountains oppose and conquer you.

I believe God can do anything and everything. I believe that through Christ I can do all things. By His Spirit I have no limitations. And because I understand that if I can believe it, I can achieve it, I know that my faith in Him concerning all He's promised is never in vain. Indeed, my faith in Christ shall work for me, for it is He who shall cause me to triumph in life and destiny. Amen.


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