Unusual Wisdom

- Unusual Wisdom
"For it won't be you doing the talking - it will be the Spirit of your heavenly Father speaking through you!" (Matthew 10:20 TLB)
      The Bible says of Jesus that "the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him; the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel and might; the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord" (Isaiah 11:2 TLB). Jesus literally walked all His days in the power and operation of the Sevenfold Spirit of God.
     Many a times when we study the Bible characters under the Old Covenant, and see how God worked mightily through them, we "wished" we were like them. When we see Daniel's unusual insight to every issue at hand, and Joseph’s brilliance, we desire to be them; failing to understand that in Christ we have more than that by the Spirit who works it out of us. In Christ, our least light shall by far exceed their greatest (Matthew 11:11). 2 Corinthians 3:11 says that under the law their glory faded away, but in Christ ours shall be forever; for in Him are hidden all the wisdom and treasures of God (Colossians 2:3), and we are in Him. Glory to God!
    Our theme verse says we have a Spirit that has all the answers to all questions within us; and that as a result we can't be boxed into a corner of helplessness by the adversary. He knows how to get us out of such difficult cases. Even when we have been perfectly set up for a fall, He said He has given us a mouth [the right answers] and wisdom [the indefatigable expression of knowledge] that even such adversaries can't truncate (Luke 21:15). It's like a light; the darkness can't withstand it. That’s what the eternal life of Christ has afforded us in these days.
     Peter spoke by the Spirit of Christ as the enemies accused him and John, and they were flabbergasted and discombobulated by the brilliance of his words (see Acts 4:13); the same way Jesus spoke and even His oppositions were converted. That shows us that through Christ we are smarter than the enemy; way ahead of them. We can come out successfully from any situation; and as conquerors from any condition; for by the Spirit of God we have the wisdom that surpasses all understanding. This is because we have been enlisted into His Kingdom, into His glory, and into His Person. Praise God!

I'm never confused about what to do next, because the Holy Spirit in me always knows what to do next. He teaches me all things, and shows me great mysteries. By Him, I walk each day in the express wisdom of God. By Him, there's no situation to difficult for me to overcome. Yes, this is true, for indeed I have the mind of Christ. Amen.


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