Trust Your Way To Rest (1)

- Trust Your Way To Rest (1)
"And why couldn't they go in? Because they didn't trust him" (Hebrews 3:19 TLB)
     From our theme verse, we can see that the biggest sin of the Exodus was that they didn't trust God. You see, when trust isn't present, many other necessary things also lose their place. And as such these selected individuals couldn't inherit God's promised rest even though He had assured them of it.
     Hebrews 4:3 says "For only we who believe God can enter into his place of rest. He has said, "I have sworn in my anger that those who don't believe me will never get in," even though he has been ready and waiting for them since the world began" (TLB). So, we can see that nothing hinders the manifestation of God's promises than lack of trust on the recipient's part- on your part. The devil can't stop it; other men can't, but you can because the scripture affirms that unless we believe we will not be established [even though it had been promised] (Isaiah 7:9).
     That's why today He admonishes us not to harden our hearts to His words (Hebrews 4:7). He wants us to mix the word we've heard with faith. He wants us to trust Him. Many men receive God's Word, but blessed are the ones who receive, believe and keep them in their hearts. In essence, cherish what Christ has done on your behalf, and the assurances He still gives that they wouldn't fail- because they won't.
     The scriptures tell us that He will keep in perfect peace all who trust in Him (Isaiah 26:3). That means He won't disappoint you. No matter how tough things get, He will always come through for you. You see, there is always a condition to the blessings of God, but there's none to His love. He loves you even without your permission; and so please tell me, if you'd go further to love Him enough to trust and believe Him, why won't He help you?
     You just simply have to trust Him. Has He promised you a better tomorrow? Trust Him; trust in His Word. Solomon assures us that when we trust in the Lord, He will direct our paths into its very fulfillment (Proverbs 3:5-6). Remember, God's Word is always yes (sure) and Amen (unfailing); however when we fail to trust it, we can lose out on its unending eternal effect and be lost in our deepest fears. So, don't doubt, don't fear; just trust, my friend, just trust.

Dear God, I know that you never lie and can't lie. And so I believe and I know that all you have promised me will come to be. I only ask for the grace to stay strong in faith, trusting you and giving glory to you as their manifestation surfaces, in Jesus Name. Amen.


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