Never Doubt!

- Never Doubt!
"Ye believe in God, believe also in me" (John 14:1)
      Nothing moves God to do great things than the unwavering faith of a man despite having no sight of hope anywhere near. Believing, even when there is no tangible reason to, is a bolstering tool in the making of a man before God; while on the other hand, doubting because appearances suggest there are reasons to is a reproach to the making of such a man.
       In Matthew 14, the scripture says that having seen Jesus walking on water, Peter asked to come meet Him. At His Word, Peter began to walk afloat on water; but as soon as he took notice of the enraging coastal wave, he began to sink (v.27-31). As soon as he became more conscious of the conditions than of God's reassuring Word, he began to fall from the reality that had been given to him. And Jesus pointed out the problem - He said "Why did you doubt me?"
       Many people are doubting God rather than believing Him. He sends His Word to them, and for a while it keeps them strong, but as soon as the conditional setbacks set in, they begin to slip back. Just like the seed on thorns, they lose their anticipated thousand fold harvest. In essence, doubt aborts realities that faith could have made true. All the worlds were made through faith in the Word, and yours won't be an exception.
       Also, having heard of the hemorrhagic woman's experience, many sick people sought to touch the tassels of Jesus' garment, and they got healed (v.36). They did it not as some tradition, but because they truly believed with all their heart that what God could do for one He can do for all. Thus, don't doubt God. He can't help the doubtful; for he's already judged himself to a non-receipt reality (James 1:6-7). On the contrary, He says that if we would believe, we would get anything regardless of how difficult the opposition is (Mark 11:23).
      So, if you're passing through a hard time believing God now in your situation, take solace in this: He said "But tell the exiles that the Lord God says: Although I have scattered you in the countries of the world, yet I will be a sanctuary to you for the time that you are there" (Ezekiel 11:16 TLB). Remember, you are no longer an exile, you're a child of God. If He could do that much for them, He can do much more for you. And if that's not enough, hear this also: "...Anything is possible if you have faith" (Mark 9:23 TLB). God will do anything your life needs to experience a change of story as long as you can climb above the doubts to believe Him for them. And so, Faith, not doubt, is what you need!

I believe in the All-working power of God. I believe there's nothing impossible for God to do. I believe He can and will do for me exactly what He could for others who also believed in Him. I believe there's no limitations to the extent of His works both in and around me. With this understanding in faith, I also believe there's nothing impossible for me to attain in life. Therefore, as I walk in the truth of the Word, my life continually reflects the realities of the Word, to the glory of God. Amen.


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