Highly Positioned In Christ

- Highly Positioned In Christ
"Truly, of all men ever born, none shines more brightly than John the Baptist. And yet, even the lesser lights in the Kingdom of Heaven will be greater than he is!" (Matthew 11:11 TLB).
     According to the theme verse, John the Baptist exceeded the glory of the Patriarchs, and we who are one with Christ shall exceed him. Glory to God! This means that experiences the men of old couldn't access have been freely given to us. Our realities are now congruent with God's. We are walking in His light, and living in His glory.
    Now it all makes sense; what the scriptures spoke of us. Ephesians 2:6 says that "we are seated in Christ in heavenly places". It says we have been lifted from the grave into the heavens. Our conversations and life now come from there. In other words, we are no longer at the bottom. We are above and beyond. It is the entire science of redemption- Christ coming down so that we may go up. Christ becoming like us so that we can become like Him. Christ taking our man nature so that we can put on His God nature. Now, indeed like Him, we are living gods walking the earth.
     1 John 4:17 says that as He is (now and eternally), so are we in this world. Note the verb, is; not just as He was when He graced the earth, but also as He is now in heaven. We have been given a complete makeover. There has been a shift in position; a change of heritage. 1 Corinthians 3:23 says that all things are ours now that we belong to Christ. We are no longer slaves of the devil, neither are we victims of life. Now, in Christ, God causes us to triumph always (2 Corinthians 2:14); and has promised to deliver us from all evil and to give us a home in heaven, to the glory of His Name (2 Tim 4:18).
     Hence, remember where you are from- above not beneath; live like it and think like it, and you will never experience anything different from that. Praise God!

Thank God because I'm no longer on the same level with my adversaries. I'm on a higher pedestal now. I'm seated in the heavenly heights with Christ Jesus. Far above all principalities and powers. I'm blessed with all the blessings of God, all to the glory of Jesus. Hallelujah!


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