Eternally Saved In Christ

- Eternally Saved In Christ
"Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17)
     When we received Christ, we weren't just temporarily rescued until something catches up with us again. No! We were completely and holistically delivered from all judgments set against us (Colossians 2:14). The scriptures says that we that are in Him shall no longer perish but have an overflowing life in divinity (John 3:36).
     Christ isn't just a safe house in preparation for heaven as many think; Christ is heaven Himself, and He is God. He says "where I am, there shall you also be" (John 14:3); and so heaven begins and ends in and with Christ. Heaven, as you know, is characterized by the eternal life we shall enjoy in it; but Christ said if you believe in Him [and have received Him] you have eternal life - the very life of God (John 6:47, 1 John 5:12). That's why He also said the Kingdom of heaven is within you; because He is dwelling on the inside of you. Praise God!
     And you can be confident that now that He is in you He can keep you from falling; because He can and He will (Jude 24). The fear that we might fall from this divine status because of what we had done or what our family did has kept many in captivity. But Jesus knew that when He saved you, and still called you the redeemed. He judges you with His own righteousness.
     Anyway having known that, even under the Old Covenant, God stopped judging men by their ancestral faults. He said "What? You ask 'Does not the son pay for His father's sins? No! For if the son does what is right and keeps my law he shall surely live. All his past sins will be forgotten, and he shall live because of his goodness" (Ezekiel 18:19,22 TLB). Now, reason with me; if men could have life because of their goodness, how much more do you think shall be theirs because of Christ's goodness? Because of Christ's goodness and all He did, we have been proclaimed the righteousness of God, and have been declared blessed. Because of all Christ has done, we have been made in unison with the entire Godhead. Then tell me, how can such a one only be temporarily rescued? How can such a one who dwells in God and God in him be anywhere far from Him? He said if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed (John 8:36); this time not for what you have done, but for your decision to believe Him who has done it all.
     Hence, understand this day that you are a new creation; completely regenerated for Christ's purpose. Your breath, actions, pursuit and everything you are now carries -and must exhibit- the identity of Christ. You are not looking forward to eternal life, you have it already - revealing how really close you are to God. And you don't have to work on any strategy to have this, your simply just have to walk in your identity. But unless you believe it, you'll never appropriate it in everyday life. Thus, believe it, for this is who you are!

I am a new creation in Christ. Old things are no more; everything is now new. That means I have no entanglements to darkness anymore, my life has been completely redeemed in Christ. I'm fully a heir of the Kingdom; and in this I shall rejoice forever. Glory to God! Hallelujah!


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