Take Full Advantage Of Your Identity

- Take Full Advantage Of Your Identity
"I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the Most High" (Psalm 82:6)
       If you were asked about yourself, you might say "I'm Kevin from Suffolk"; or "I'm John from Hawaii"; and if you're like me, you might say "I'm Oscar from Lagos". A lot of people say this and some things we don't even want to hear. Well, what you succeed in revealing to them is simply who you think you are, not who you really are.
      There is a difference between your identity and your personality. Your identity is who you are or whom you were created to be, while your personality is who you think you are or whom you appear to be. There's a big difference there. You might be a doctor, a writer, or a surgeon; but that isn't you. That's just whom you appear to be on the earth. It doesn't mean you made a mistake; but you can't just identify yourself with that alone. As a Christian, your identity before God is beyond just what you do for a living. People saw Peter as a fisherman since he appeared as such but Christ saw a rock in him. And remember He is also a Rock (1 Corinthians 10:4).
       So, we are just as He is- sons of God. The theme verse says that we are gods- like God; and His legitimate children. The Jews didn't understand that and so they kept bickering against the truth every time Jesus proclaimed it. But we mustn't. We really are. Look at the proofs He left us: (1) He says we are seated in the heavens in Christ who is far above every other power (Ephesians 2:6). Note the term "in Christ"- not even "with Christ". (2) He says all things are ours because we are His (1 Corinthians 3:21-23). (3) He says as He is so are we in this world (1 John 4:17). In short, we are gods walking upon the earth. Lights beaconing upon the tribes of men. We are like Him. Not listed as men or animals anymore, but as gods now. Hallelujah!
      You must recognize, acknowledge and understand your special effects in Christ, because without that even though you have access to "Cable TV", you'd only permit yourself to experience "Local TV". Hope you get that analogy. The Word of God is a manual that reveals to you who you really are in Christ. So, be true to whom you are. This is important because though we might have it, but we will never give it if we don't know it. Give yourself to this understanding and maximize it to the glory of God in life and destiny.
      Hence, if thus far you had been battered and tormented by the devil, choose to walk in the authority and audacity of this understanding into victory, having now known your identity.

I'm a child of God. I'm of the God-kind - a New Creature. I have Christ in me- my very hope of glorification; and in Him is hidden all the wisdom and treasures of God. My sonship and heirship is restored in Him. My identity is validated in Him. Now indeed, all things are mine to the glory of God. Amen.


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