Secret Input, Open Output

- Secret Input, Open Output
"And your Father who knows all secrets will reward you" (Matthew 6:4 TLB)
      The King James Version of our theme verse says that "...thy Father which seeth in secret himself will reward you openly". That's really quite interesting, isn't it? What it means is that while men may never recognize the good things you do, while it may be hidden from men as Paul suggested in 1 Tim 5:25, God will always recognize them. Nothing is ever hidden from Him. The scripture says He will not forget or ignore our works and labours of love (Hebrews 6:10).
     But let's go further. He says that even when you do a kindness secretly such that no one else catches notice of it, He will and bless you for it. He says that even when you pray in your inner closet where no one can hear you, He will and answer you. I have seen a lot of people who give up because no one honoured them. I have seen a lot of ministers who refused to speak because the numbers weren't up as they anticipated. But here God is saying that He would bless you when you speak to just one person as much as He would when you speak to a million in attendance.
     Like Jesus spoke of, some appreciate the praises of men more than the praise of God. Some people seek recognition more than sincere service to God. Nothing we do for God ever goes unseen and unattended to; even when no one else appreciates it, God has already with rich rewards. We have to get conscious of this Kingdom mystery. He goes further to say that those who pursue attention from men rather than pleasing God have gotten all the reward they can ever get (Matthew 6:2). Do you know what that means? It means that let them never think they can receive anything from the Lord again. It's as good as unbelief.
      So, cheer up! Your works for the Lord are not in vain. The Spirit calls on us to keep abounding in every good work in the Lord knowing that all our labour is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:55). It's never a waste of time. All the secret kindness you show, and the secret prayers you make, are all received and rewarded by the Lord. Let me leave you with this: Jesus said "if any man serve me, him will my Father honour" (John 12:26). Hence, if what you are doing that is seemingly unrecognized by others is in service to the Lord, it can never go unrewarded. You may be sowing in tears now, but you shall surely reap in joy. Hallelujah!

Dear God, I know that everything we do on the earth is taken into account in heaven. Nothing ever gets missed by you. That's why I'm confident that my acts of love in Kingdom service is never in futility. I know I have an abundance of rewards prepared for me. All I ask now is the strength to do more; and to keep radiating the glory of the knowledge of You until all the world comes to acknowledge you, in Jesus Name. Amen.


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