Put God First

- Put God First
"And he will give them to you if you give him first place in your life and live as he wants you to" (Matthew 6:33 TLB)
     Where we place God in the itinerary of our lives is where we place ourselves in His itinerary. That’s what that scripture says. How you value Him is synonymous to what value we expect and receive of Him. In short, you can't be greater than the position you give God in your life. Meaning that if you give Him first place, you can't be anything lesser than first in life; and if you give Him last place, you can't be anything greater than last in life.
      This is what the scriptures meant when it said they that are first shall be last, and they that are last shall be first (Mark 10:31). Peter had just asked about what would happen to them who forsook all to pursue His good pleasure, and Jesus said in this world they shall have manifold times all they thought they had lost and in the world to come everlasting life. Jesus was saying there that you can't be anywhere different from where you give to God in life. That’s just how things work with Him.
      The principle is simple. It's an easy-to-use formula. Regardless of the farrago of concepts men may have created for success, God says this is the supreme way- in everything you do, put Him first. I remember how growing up I would always pray to God, saying "if it's not what you want, don't give it to me". The results may not have come fascinatingly in an instantaneous manner; but it always comes in great fashion. In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus put God before Himself. People mocked Him on the cross. People called Him unwise. But the scripture tells us that because of this wholesome act of submission and love before God, He has been placed above all things that be and ever can be (Phil 2:6-11). He gave God first place in His life, and God gave Him first place in life.
      Now to you; where have you placed God in your life? What value have you given Him in your finances, marriage and what have you? Remember, Jesus said except a man loves God more He loves his family, he can't truly follow -and be followed- by Him. The wisdom here isn't to abandon your loved ones, but to give God the greatest priority of all. Serve Him as much as you can; give to the work of the Kingdom as much as you can; knowing that as many as love Him with all their heart and mind and might, will end in glory (Deut 6:3-5). Never forget that. Seek God first and every other thing people are dying for will be given unto you. And that my friend is how you truly live.

I live my life to please God always; because to live or die is Christ. God's Kingdom is my priority, and it is the only way to attain a kingdom of my own on this earth. I'm confident that my sincere service to Him is never in vain. For as I give myself in selfless service to His will, I'm building up for myself treasures that cannot be eaten by the moth both here on earth and in heaven, to the glory of God. Amen.


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