No Limitations

- No Limitations
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil 4:13)
     There is no limitation to what you can do or become as a believer. I'm not trying to get you excited. That's what the scriptures say; and that's how Jesus lived. Knowing this to be true, Paul tells us we can do all things (Note: no exceptions; no limitations); and by seeing how he also lived, we know it's true.
     It is said of Jesus that "the report of his miracles spread far beyond the borders of Galilee so that sick folk were soon coming to be healed from as far away as Syria. And whatever their illness and pain, or if they were possessed by demons, or were insane, or paralyzed - he healed them all" (Matthew 4:24 TLB). This portion of scripture gets me every time. Please highlight the words "whatever their illness" and "he healed them all". Those words are the backbone of the entire story of Jesus. They speak volume. They show us that there's nothing He couldn't do, and there's no one He couldn't help. What do you call that? No limitation to both what you can receive of Him and what He can do for you.
      However, we are just getting started. He called His disciples on a certain day and gave them power to practice all He could do (Matthew 10:1, Mark 16:17-18). And also told them that no power of the enemy will ever be able to overcome them because He had given them the power to subjugate all their enterprises (Luke 10:19). And they went about doing good as He had done. Well, you might say "What about us?" In John 1:12, He tells us that as many of us that believe Him has been given the power to become and to live like sons of God. And in John 14:12, He says these group of people - us inclusive - shall do things beyond what He could ever do on the earth.
       Remember, being a son of God isn't just a position, it's also a disposition. That means it will be reflected in everything you do. So, in essence, He's saying that you have the power to walk in dominion every day of your life. He's saying that just as He did you can quench the torturous flames of the devil without breaking a sweat 365 days a year. He's saying there's no limitation to all you can do. Remember He causes us in Christ to triumph always, not sometimes (2 Corinthians 2:14). Nothing can tell you where to stop in your exploits; because God is in you, and there's nothing impossible for Him. He said "You will decide on a matter, and it will be established for you, and light will shine on your ways" (Job 22:28 RSV)
      Rest in the understanding of this truth; for resident within you is the same power that raised Christ from the grave, and we know there's nothing that's unchangeable by the power of God. The life of God in you is beyond the darkness around you (John 1:5). Therefore, let it show in your attitude from henceforth that you truly know, believe and shall live in the truth that with you in Christ, there will surely never be any limitation. Hallelujah!

I am a carrier of God's power, and a courier of the same to the world around me. The dynamic power of God that avails in all situations is resident in me. By it, there is no mountain I can't level; no valley I can't raise up; no situation I can't conquer; no sickness I can't heal. I walk daily through life as victoriously as Jesus did; for as He is, so am I in this world, to the glory of God. Amen.


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