Miracles Abound Within You

- Miracles Abound Within You
"..I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13)
     A man with God, they say, is always majority. This is because beyond whether or not he has the numbers physically, he naturally dictates the events of life. As said in the Revised Standard Version of Job 22:28, he decides on a matter, not the the circumstances presented; and whatever he proclaims as so, shall be so.
     In 2 Kings 6, we see an illustration of this under the Old Covenant. Elisha was a walking miracle. He was in every place he went a miracle waiting to happen. First, we see how he brought forth steel out of river (v.6). Even science can't explain that till date. Later on, we see how he single-handedly delivered Israel from the Syrian' plot, leading its entire cavalry to his capital in surrender. And we cannot forget the miracles he performed in Naaman, the Zarephathian widow and how he never lacked even in a famine and so on. That should tell you something about you, and we'll get there soon.
     Now to Jesus, who healed lepers with a single word; as well as cured diseases. Certainly know that He didn't struggle to achieve this, for it was acknowledged that He had the authority to tell the sickness to go and it will go (Matthew 8:9). It was so great a sight that scripture says that "...when he spoke a single word, all the demons fled; and all the sick were healed" (Matthew 8:16 TLB).
    Now to us. The same Jesus said that as many as believe in Him shall do greater works than He did (John 14:12). That is, if He could perform miracles every day of His earthly days with ease, we would do more. If He could terrify devils, in His name we would do more. Because when they see us, they see the glorified Jesus. Remember as He is [eternally in the glory of the Father], so are we in this world (1 John 4:17). So, let me ask you, does Jesus ever have a limitation? Does Jesus ever have a door shut against Him that couldn't be opened? The Bible says He shuts and no one can open, and opens and no one can shut (Revelations 1:8). And He has given us the same key- by the Person of the Holy Spirit working in, with and through us- to materialize the exact reality.
     Note the present continuous tense being used, because that's how God sees you- not as He was, but as He is. In essence, as you approach any situation, every blocked way becomes an open way. You begin to naturally fulfill scripture with ease as Jesus did, because He resides in you with all of His splendour and power.
     Believe God, you are not an ordinary person. You were made for signs and wonders. If Elisha could do so much, how much more do you think you who were recreated by God's own Spirit for this purpose will do? This is your destiny in Him; but to turn these potentials into results, you have to do what these men never failed to do- yield yourself wholly to God, constantly being conscious of who He says you are. Open your eyes to the truth of God's Word; see from its perspective, and then you'd realize how truly your life has been proclaimed a sign unto nations. Walk in this truth, and continually live as you were reborn in Christ to- as signs and wonders.

I am a ambassador of Christ. I do exactly as He does. And so if He was always a miracle, I shall always be a miracle. If He eradicated all devils and distresses, then I shall do the same. The giant in me has risen, and now my exploits in Christ knows no bounds. The miracles of God abound in me because Christ abounds in me by the Spirit, to the glory of God. Amen


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