Living In The Light

- Living In The Light
"Don't hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father" (Matthew 5:15-16 TLB)
      Christianity is a visible practice. People saw Jesus' everyday life and commented that He had done all things well (Mark 7:37). So, in other words, they were visible proofs of whom He said He was. And it wasn't because He rode the most decorated or sophisticated mule, but because He went about doing good.
      The Bible says that now that we are of the light, we must behave like those of the light (Ephesians 5:8). And you can't be in the light, and be a source of darkness to others. The Bible calls God the Father of Lights in whom there is no variableness. And so, we can't have God in us and be anything different from Him. God is good, and as soon as we are abiding in Him, we walk in the same light of goodness and godliness.
     More so, Philippians 1:27 tells us to live our lives as though it is the very Gospel of Christ. The Gospel is called Good News. So, in God's point of view, our lives are suppose to bring good news to other people's lives. They are suppose to look at us and find hope and God. Our characters and dispositions are meant to be exemplars of God's love. Ephesians 4:22-24 admonishes us to drop those evil natures that do not edify, and to put on those that reveal the God-likeness in us. Remember, we are the light of the world; but what good will a light be if it never shines? Thus He calls on us to shine (see Matthew 5:14-16). He calls on us to lead lives that will please Him and culminate in good deeds unto others.
      Colossians 1:10 says "and asking that the way you live will always please the Lord and honour him, so that you will always be doing good, kind things for others, while all the time you are learning to know God better and better" (TLB). Hence, we have a responsibility to be like Jesus every day of our lives in words and deeds; and so therefore as you begin this day, make a firm decision to live every day pleasing God and edifying men. Don't just belong to the light, walk and live in it!

Lord Jesus, I thank you because you created me to draw men unto you as You still do. I ask for the grace to fulfill this purpose of yours for my life in my everyday realities. I ask for the capacity to live like you until I become a blessing indeed in words and in deeds to the cities, to the nations, and to the world at large. This I pray in Your Name. Amen


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