Let God Have His Way

- Let God Have His Way
"This plan of mine is not what you would work out, neither are my thoughts the same as yours! For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than yours, and my thoughts than yours." (Isaiah 55:8-9 TLB)
     When the scripture tells us that all things work together for the good of those that love God and are called according to His purpose, it doesn't mean that everything will work out as we planned every time. No! But it does mean that everything that we need to become all we need to become will happen. No matter how gloomy the situations are, He says it will always lead to that.
      As much as we love how beautiful some pearly ornaments are, if we were in their place before they were made, we wouldn't like to be made so, because while the product is magnificent, the process it took to make it so isn't always so fascinating to the eyes. God promises to bring the gold out of His people in every circumstance, but to do this He said He'd have to refine us as in a furnace (Isaiah 48:10). The furnace is literally not a nice place to be. It's so heated up that it could even burn the toughest material. It isn't so pleasant. Yet while it might make you look charred on the outside, in time you'd realize how valuable you have become.
      You see, the believer’s worry most times is never about whether or not God will do a thing; but instead about time (when will He do it?), method (how will He do it?), and reason (why will He do it?). And in truth, trust answers all these questions; for where faith reigns, all doubts die.
      So, trust God and let Him have His way with you. Don't strive with Him. Don't extinguish His will for you. He is the Potter, and we are the clay. When brought into His house, don't complain or think you have a better idea than He does concerning what is best for you, because you don't. He created you, holds the blueprint for your destiny, and only He can work it out of you. You may not like the process it takes, but the product it gives is always worth the while. Withstand the pressure to fret and you will evidently come out as gold indeed.
      You see, the world will always be filled with pressure. When you're rich, the pressure is on you to live in the best possible way. When you're poor, the pressure is on you to get rich. There will always be a reason to feel pressured. Life itself is like a pressure cooker. You can't avoid it; you simply make the best out of it. And this you do by yielding yourself more to God. Make the best of the furnace you may have found yourself and you'd go beyond being charred into being an object of dazzlement.
       Thus, take advantage of the time you have with God even in this period of trials. Time is what we all have in common. It is our gift from God to humanity. But it is a one way road and a single cup of tea. We don't get to turn back nor have a refill; so use it wisely. Make the best of it! And you can start by letting God who have started His good work in you complete it (Phil 1:6). Hence, in this pressure you feel, don't melt, rather turn your paste into a sweet pie.

My life is a mystery. It's filled with wonders. The things that people assume are meant to hurt me will be used for my promotion. The conditions that seem to endanger me are transfigured for my elevation. All the plans and efforts of the enemy are becoming only steps to take me to my Promised Land. Indeed, all things will work together for my good from now on in Christ Jesus. Amen.


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