You've Got The Higher Life

- You've Got The Higher Life
" I have given you power over serpents and scorpions, and over all the powers of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means harm you" (Luke 10:19)
     Demons do have the power to kill, steal and destroy. Revelations 9:15 proves it. Yet it doesn't mean they can-or should-destroy you- the man in Christ. Our opening verse assures us of that. And this is why; we have been placed in a realm of authority and dominion far above their base of operations. Though we may have to engage in battle, but we already conquered. Yes, remember we are now identified in-and with-Christ, and where Christ is is where we are as a result. And where is Christ? Seated in power far above all principalities and powers (Eph 1:20-23). In other words, since Christ is seated far above, we are far above, as long as we stand in our proper position in God.
     And so, how they respond to Jesus is how they ought to respond to us. The scripture says they believe and tremble before Him (James 2:19); and we can see in the Gospels that when the Legion demons saw Jesus, they shrieked in fear. So, demons are meant to fear us who have Christ dwelling within, and not the other way around. Furthermore, tell me, have you ever seen in scripture where a demon oppressed or bullied a true believer of Christ? Never! Whether it was Paul, or the twelve disciples, or even the two outsiders who also believed in Jesus, they always fled. As soon as they heard them, they faded away. Anyway this is eternally possible because He that is in you as was in them is greater (1 John 4:4).
     There is a higher life in you that even demons can't comprehend nor withstand (John 1:3-5). It is a life that pierces through the darkness to attain victory. It is the life from the Word, and it is the life you have now- far above and eternally beyond all enemy forces. Glory to God!

I belong to the God-Kind. My life is hid in Christ with God, even as I sit in the heavenly place of power above all angelic forces of darkness. My authority is transcribed in Christ, and because of that whatever answers to Him answers to me through His name. I possess His higher life and His greater power, and no entity of the dark world can by any means harm me to the glory of Jesus. Hallelujah!


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