You Have Limitless Knowledge Through The Spirit

- You Have Limitless Knowledge Through The Spirit
"But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things" (1 John 2:20)
     The scripture says that the spiritual man has insight into everything, and that bothers and baffles the man of the world (1 Corinthians 2:15 TLB). The natural man can't understand it, because while he's struggling with one step, the Spirit-driven man has gone ten steps further. The love for God he possesses makes the way to knowledge constantly open to me (1 Corinthians 8:3 TLB). Praise God!
      Note, it didn't say the believer. This is because in the body of Christ presently, there are two kinds of people. The first are the carnal people, who have just as much right to the heritage of Christ in God, but do nothing with this great access to unlimited wonders because they are clouded by the whims and excesses of this physical world. The next are the spiritual people. These are those who walk not after the will of the flesh but after the will of the Spirit, and as such access with ease all the glories and virtues that have been proclaimed theirs in Christ. These are the ones that experience no iota of condemnation because both in nature and application they are the very express reflection of Christ. They don't just have the Spirit of God in them, they let Him lead and live through them (see 1 Corinthians 3:1).
     These believers are the ones that the scripture says have insight into everything. The unction might have been given to all, but these ones make it active in their lives. They discern the will and opinions of God regarding any matter, and walk in accordance to it as disclosed. So, they hardly make mistakes, because God will never make a mistake. They aren't just living in the Spirit by virtue of New Birth, they are also walking in the Spirit by virtue of obedience. They seek His will at all times, and as such understand all things (Proverbs 28:5).
      This was the realm Daniel operated from. Even though he didn't have the Holy Spirit resident within him, he understood the access that fellowship and intimacy with Him can bring. He understood that such reverence provides a place for a man in the knowledge of the very secrets of God. The same experience Paul enjoyed; who was a man that abounded in great revelations and insight from the Spirit of God (2 Corinthians 12:1). Remember, deep calls unto deep; and so only those who yield their spirits to God in obedience, and are yielded to His in fellowship enjoy this privilege. Little wonder why Jesus tells us that abiding is what makes true discipleship (John 8:31). Nevertheless, now that you're born again, keep pressing until you begin to walk in the Spirit every single moment in time. This is where the true blessings of being a Christian are clearly expressed.  
      Hence, I want you to know that you don't have to be clueless or discombobulated anymore regarding any matter. You have access to the deep histories and intents that made the world via the Spirit of God. All you have to do is avoid being too carnal as not to ever perceive Him. It's like a library; you may have a pass, but searching through what it holds is your responsibility. And it's funny, because there are many believers today who don't even know anything about the Holy Spirit, talk less of communing with Him. But I want to believe that isn't you; and if it is, then you need to wake up. This is important because to fully experience the true knowledge of Christ, you must get sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and be willing to let Him teach you. Remember, He is the Spirit of Truth who reveals to us both the things that are forgotten and the things that never were (John 16:13, John 14:26). What no one has ever known, He reveals to us (1 Corinthians 2:10). And the most awesome part is that He speaks every day, showing us the paths to take ahead of time (see Isaiah 30:20-21). All we have to do is learn to always listen when He speaks.

Holy Spirit, I know you hold the knowledge of the deep things of God concerning me and every other situation. I acknowledge your presence in and with me. I believe that by virtue of your being in me, I also have all the access to freely enjoy of this very privilege. Help me God to be yielded to you. Help me to understand what you reveal, and to hear when you speak. Help me to walk in the exceeding abundant glorious experience of your person; to know your will and your heart, and to walk by it daily, in Jesus Name. Amen


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