Walking In Abundance

- Walking In Abundance
"And it is he who will supply all your needs from his riches in glory, because of what Christ Jesus has done for us" (Phil 4:19 TLB)
    According to our theme scripture, we can depict that God has a treasure house, a store room full of riches. Now it all makes sense what is said in Malachi 3:10 about how He will pour down sufficient measures of riches for us from His store room. So, yes, God has a store room of abundant wealth. Well, the better news is that it is there just for you. Paul tells us that now that are Christians, practising the very Life He has called us to, there is a pool of riches God supplies us from. He called it "His riches in glory".
      In other words, it is endless, ceaseless; and better still it glorifies the recipients always. And this you have access to. Anyway, now that the access is guaranteed, how do we experience it in real time? In the same letter, Paul said "Always be full of joy in the Lord, I say it again, rejoice! Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything: tell God your needs and don't forget to thank Him for His answers" (Phil 4:4,6 TLB). All you have to do is ask.
      Remember, we have an ever assuring signatory for receiving in His Name. In that name, we can receive anything (John 14:14). You may not know what will happen after here, but God knows. He will make it happen. However, you can choose what should happen by making your demands in the Lord. Recall Isaiah 43:26 calls on us to plead our cause before God so as to be justified.
      You have an ocean of fishes before you, refuse to stay hungry. And this you do by acknowledging the abundance that is now yours by asking the Lord in prayers today. As you acknowledge this Gospel reality in your heart, you make its experience effectual in your life. Remember Philemon 6. The more you see it and demand it, the more you experience it. And you have no reason to fret, because as many as call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13). Glory to God!

Heavenly Father, I thank you because You always hear and answer me every time I call upon you in the name of Jesus. With acute specificity, I ask [make your specific demands] to be granted me today, in Jesus Name I pray. Amen


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