The Eternal Principle

- The Eternal Principle
"...If you do as I tell you to and follow all of my commandments and instructions, I will do what I told your father David I would do" (1 Kings 6:11-12 TLB)
     In the opening scripture, God was literally telling Solomon that if he did all He asked him to, He would do all He said He would. This is an eternal principle. All through scripture, that has been God's outlined principle - the more we do what He demanded, the more He does what we expected. Proverbs 13:13 says "Despise God's Word and find yourself in trouble. Obey it and succeed" (TLB). Even prophecy is keyed on this divine concept.
    You must have heard me say in my books that prophecies are conditional; well, they are. The very scriptures prove this. For instance, in Zechariah 6:15, God said that the promised reality He had shown them will come to be if only they keep obeying Him. This is congruent, because disobedience gives the devil the room to usurp what has been given. Look at Adam and Eve for example; and also look at Achan's misdeed. Their very act of rebellion hindered their access to what had been granted them. That's just how it works. "...He is very hard on those who disobey, but very good to you if you continue to love and trust him..." (Romans 11:22 TLB).
    Thus, to remain on top with God, we have to keep doing what He tells us to (Deut 28:1). In that case, make it a duty to keep walking in obedience with God at any cost. The devil will try to distract you with fleshly things, because he knows that every time we yield to the ways of the flesh rather than the way of God, we break the hedge of dominion. Remember, sin is a reproach to any people (Proverbs 14:34). It drowns. Hence, understand today the way to success - obedience. Joshua 1:8 says that if we obey God's Word always, we will find good success in all we do; and Jesus said "If any man honour me, him will my Father honour" (John 12:26). We honour Him by doing His will, and keeping His Word. It is an eternal principle, and by far the surest way to the fulfillment of His intents.
"Whatsoever He tells you to do, do it" (John 2:5)

Dear God, I thank you because you have called me with a holy calling. One that is constantly in agreement with your Word, as it is submissive to it. I ask this day for the grace to live in the fullness of this calling. I pray for the strength to obey in spite of circumstances, and to choose you always regardless of the options. This I ask in Jesus' Name. Amen


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