Tarry In Prayer

- Tarry In Prayer
"Pray without ceasing" (1 Thess 5:17)
    When things don't appear to change, stay on your knees. Keep praying. This was the prescription Jesus gave His disciples - "Watch and Pray" He said. In Jeremiah 42, the remnant of the captivity came to Jeremiah to seek guidance from the Lord; however God didn't respond until after ten full days. But what do you think Jeremiah was doing in those ten days? Daniel gives us a better picture.
    The scripture says Daniel remained in prayer for three weeks as long as he hadn't seen the results he expected. So using that as our clue, we can also suggest Jeremiah remained in prayer. Now, are you also seeking guidance from God? Then keep watching and waiting in prayer. You may not know what to say, but the Spirit helps us in prayer (Romans 8:27), and He will help you. What's important is that after you have heard His response, you do well to obey it. The people said we know that if we obey God, everything will be well with us (Jer 42:6). And that is the simple reality.
     The strength of prayer is not in speaking the words, but in obeying the response. But one thing is certain; when we pray, we also have to learn to wait. We have to keep keeping on even when there is no encouragement. Elijah prayed for hours to reverse a decree he had made in a minute. Sometimes we just have to stay in prayer longer than we ever had before. If he had given up, he might have never seen the miracle. To see the miracle, we have to persist in prayer. Don't stop because you're tired, stop only when you have received your answers. Keep pressing and travailing in prayer until you bring forth. God isn't tired of listening to you, and so you shouldn't be tired of speaking to Him. That's what the first book I published  When God's Time Starts To Seem Not Like The Best is all about. Don't give up trusting the Lord in prayer, rather give your all towards prayer, and you will come out shining.

Dear Father, as I lift my voice in prayer unto you, it returns unto me in answers. As I continue to press on, may the results continue to pour on to the glory of Your Name. This I pray in Jesus Name. Amen


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