Break Through By The Word

- Break Through By The Word
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out (John 1:5 GNB)
     Nothing overcomes and overturns darkness faster than the light. Light never struggles in the midst of darkness. It doesn't negotiate, it enforces. In the same way, the light of God is the key to cast out every debris of the dark world that may have entangled themselves to you.
    The light of God enhances your spiritual experience, and transforms your physical encounters, thereby facilitating your victory over the works of darkness. It made a nation out of Jacob, and as such ruined his adversaries' chances of ever overturning him. Just as the most fiercest bird can't go close to the sun despite its fiercesomeness, the light of God evidently present in a man's life keeps his enemies at bay. That unapproachable light of Christ was what brought Saul the persecutor down to His knees; and in the same way sent all manner of demons screaming at the sight of Him. And now He is saying that to live in that very reality of dominion every day of our lives, we need to walk in this very same light of God.
    And how do we do so?
    Being born again now, we are children of the light- Jesus shone on us (John 1:9), and having received Him we can also shine on others too; however to walk in the light, we need to imbibe ourselves in its source. Recall Matthew 5:14 calls us the light, but still emphasized on how we must shine to be effective (v.16). So, we can be designated lights and still don't shine unless we are continuously connected to the source of the current that charges our glow. Now, what's this source?
     Psalm 36:9 says "For with thee is the fountain of life; and in thy light shall we see light". This "thee" is the same "Him" of whom the scripture says "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men; and the light shines in darkness, and darkness comprehends it not" (John 1:4-5)- the Word.
     The Word-the express image and knowledge of God-is the conduit by which we become active carriers of this indefatigable light of the Most High. The more we get conscious of it by sternly studying and meditating upon it, the more we get abreast with the ceaseless flow of God's power and glory. Remember, all of God's power, glory and virtue that gives us dominion in life as gods indeed have been granted to us, but we access it only through the "knowledge of Him"- through the Word. That is, as we fill ourselves with the Word, we get full with all of Christ's expressions. And thus, begin to experience dominion in all we do as He does.
     Conclusively, just as light breaks through the darkness with ease, we can walk in that same dimension and direction against any and every challenges of life; we simply have to get the Word into our spirit, and our spirit into the Word. As we do this, like Jacob, we would be strengthen with might in our inner man to experience a transformation that will shift our position to the place of expressible eternal dominion forever. Praise God!

The Word holds the power of God, and the very content that makes the God Kind. As I study the Word and walk as it leads, I begin to live in the expressions and experiences of the God Kind. By the Word deeply seated in spirit, I exemplify the very life of Christ, and make true my heritage delivered through my eternal redemption for my eternal glorification. Hallelujah!


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