A Clean Slate Through The Cross

- A Clean Slate Through The Cross
"He has done this through the death on the cross of his own human body, any now as a result Christ has brought you into the very presence of God, and you are standing there before him with nothing left against you- nothing left that he could even chide you for" (Colossians 1:22 TLB)
     The day you became born again, all the records to your disadvantage were erased (Colossians 2:13-15). He said there's nothing left anymore to accuse you of. Let's look at it this way; imagine a man who was jailed on a count that has three life sentences attached to it as judgment being called into the same court after a week to be told, without any self-acquired evidence of his innocence (because he never was), that he has been declared innocent and free. It's odd, right?
     Because if there were no evidences, what justified him? Well, the judge who made the ruling has the same power to overrule that judgment. He has the right to placate it. In this case, God became our advocate (our defense attorney) in Christ. And by His blood openly shed on that rugged cross brought us into peace with Himself; and nobody could contest it. Figuratively, even without our knowledge, He served all three life sentences in that gruesome moment of love in a substitutionary attempt to set us free forever. That's why it says that there is nothing more to chide us for anymore.
     In other words, there's no reason to feel guilty anymore for your pre-New Birth days. There's now no condemnation against you so long as you are walking in the light of this love of His. You now have a brand new start to build a better life; and by virtue of His Spirit in you, you can. Now that you are acquitted, you can't return back to your offenses; you have to walk in this advantage given you of God. You have to love and live for Him. That is the condition for this eternal ransom- that you never shift from trusting Him to save you, believing this truth and standing firm, steadfast and strong in the Lord (v.23). Praise God! Therefore, now that you have a clean slate, don't just live, live well. Let it really show who you belong to.
"For though once your heart was full of darkness, now it is full of light from the Lord, and your behavior should show it! Because of this light within you, you should do only what is good and right and true. Learn as you go along what pleases the Lord" (Ephesians 5:8-10 TLB)

Christ's love is an eternal one, and it was displayed on calvary just for me. By product of that, He has given me a new life, and has made me fit for eternal glorification. And because I believe this, every part of my being live with this understanding. My everyday life exudes His very nature that people may see and give glory back to the Father. Glory to God!


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