You Are Loved With An Eternal Love

- You Are Loved With An Eternal Love
"Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:39)
       God so loved the world that in spite of its depravity He didn't give up on them. Understand that the world spoken of in John 3:16 is the people, and not this earthly globe. What this means is that, it doesn't matter how deep your loved ones may have gotten lost, God isn't planning on giving up on them. Remember, His will is to save all men- even them (1 Tim 2:4). In the same way, He's not planning on letting you get lost. He said no one can snatch His sheep out of His hands; and you are that sheep. That's how extreme His love goes.
     John 13:1 says that "having loved them, He loved them to the end". In other words, God has no leftover love to give. He has made all His love expressible and available towards you. And this He proved through Jesus. Scripture says if He had given us Jesus, there's nothing else He will withhold from us (Romans 8:32)- not forgiveness, not mercy, and definitely not His blessings. And praise God, He's already given. No one could hinder His love then, and no one can now.
      Luke 15 shows us a classic example of this. The prodigal son truly didn't deserve a second chance as the first son assumed, but that wasn't God's business. Despite all the speech against it, He still received him into His glory. Before that we saw the parable of the lost sheep; He left the rest in a safe place, and didn't rest till He found that one. That's God for you. No argument of darkness is convincing enough to Him to keep Him away from Him. David called Him rich in enduring mercy and love. And He shows this to us in Christ.
     This is never an excuse to live or continue in sin, but rather enough motivation to know you can live above it. Nothing He says will ever separate Him from you. You may not deserve it; but He will never leave you. You may have been distanced from Him, but as that widow told David He's always waiting around to draw you back in (2 Samuel 14:14). His love endures much; and is ever in eternal abundance towards us all. He loved you before the world began, and He will love you after it's all ended- with heaven (His eternal presence) as His gift to you. So, keep thanking Him for such excessive love towards you and your household. Glory to God!

I am loved with an eternal love. Nothing can steal me away from it. Even when I'm at my wit's end, He never forsakes nor abandons me. He will keep and cherish me. He will fight for me. This He did for me in Jesus, this He will do forever. Yes, I can boldly say it: God loves me.


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