The Power Of The Word (1)

- The Power Of The Word (1)
"For the Word of God is quick and powerful...." (Hebrew 4:12)
     In God's Word is sufficient power to turn any situation around. Even the Bible says that through it Jesus casted out devils, overcame adversity and healed all sort of illnesses (Matt 8:16). So, it is limitless in its capacity to influence circumstances. Little wonder why half the scripture is full of God's admonition to indulge ourselves in knowing and keeping the Word- the very Word of life that transforms as many as see it, hear it and handle it; and in this part of this series, we'd look at some diverse ways in which the Word can positively affect us to the glory of God:
1. It brings Understanding: David said "I have more understanding than all my teachers; for thy testimonies are my meditation" (Psalm 119:99 RSV). And how could he say such a thing when even the scripture says that the student can never be greater than the master? Well, the Word did it. He shows how it happened in verse 130. He says "The unfolding of thy word gives light; and it imparts understanding to the simple". Now we can acknowledge where David's audacity and verbosity to utter such words and to experience such wonders came from. The word for simple in the layman's language could represent an blatant idiot. A simpleton; a person with no sense of reason or logic. In other words, who people call a bum these days. But David said that by investing himself in the Word, such a fellow is transformed. Remember, the Word of God is like a mirror according to James 1:23, and the scripture tells that as we continue to behold Him as through a mirror via the Word, we are transformed beyond measure from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Word (2 Corinthians 3:18) and thus become the epitome of blessings ourselves (James 1:25). Furthermore, because in studying the Word we are seeking more of God, we are brought to a place of all-round understanding (Proverbs 28:5). Glory to God!
2. It guarantees settlement: Acts 20:32 says that as we commend ourselves to the Word, we are guaranteed of an inheritance. God has blessed us with all the blessings in heaven, but only those who diligently seek them out in the Word find them (Josh 1:8). This settlement includes your finances, your health, as well as your marital and spiritual revival. Psalm 107:20 says that by His Word He has healed us of all our destructions. Note the word 'all'. Moses knew the Word (His ways) and it procreated the acts that Israel experienced in the wilderness. In short, God's Word is the kiln that shapes us into our preordained God-kind nature; and His light is how He dawns it upon us. Remember, in His light [through the Word] we find ours.  Also Isaiah 9:7 says that He sent His Word to Jacob, and its light brought forth the nation of Israel out of him.
   In the same way, you can be more than you are today; all you have to do is start where the Word is. Study it, and keep nourishing yourself in it; for in it is the power to change all situations. Hallelujah!

The Word of God is my guide. The more I commend myself to it, the more I am transformed and engraced with glory. As I study and keep the Word, I grow in understanding and experience all-round settlement. So, help me Jesus to know and keep your Word. Amen


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