Restored (2)

- Restored (2)
"Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need! He lets me rest in the meadow grass and leads me beside the quiet streams. He restores my failing health. He helps me do what honours him the most" (Psalm 23:1-3 TLB)
     What David wrote about in our theme scripture was exactly what Israel experienced as they came out of Egypt. First, they never had a lack even in the wilderness. He provided food, sustained their clothing, and granted them solace. Also, He caused the raging Red Sea to be stilled so that they could cross through; and let them see their oppressors perish before their eyes.
     They might have cried, but it was simply the tears of joy. The greatness of this awesome deed was so intense that laughter alone couldn't do. In short, God restored their hopes, their peace and their all-round well-being on that day; and He promises the same reality to all who abide in Him - including you. Praise God!
      In Jeremiah 31:9, the scripture says "Tears of joy shall stream down their faces, and I will lead them home with great care. They shall walk beside the quiet streams and not stumble. For I am a Father to Israel, and Ephraim is my oldest child" (TLB). Did you see that? This was God's word to the Jews, and in Christ we are the perfect Jews (Romans 2:28-29). It will be too good to be true that on seeing it you would even cry. But it will happen for sure because He Himself will be leading you. The Breaker of chains will lead this campaign to set you free forever (Micah 2:13). Yes! Jesus will lead the charge Himself. And note, the scripture says that whatsoever He does shall be forever (Eccl 3:14). Hence you will not return to your captivities again. You are free now and you are free forever. Hallelujah!
      In verse 40 of the same Jeremiah 31, He says " shall never again be captured or destroyed" (TLB). The affliction will not arise again. God has settled it; and it shall remain settled. Isn't that great? If it is, then go ahead and thank Him once again for it is settled already.

Heavenly Father, I thank and magnify You for the restoration and all-round settlement You have prepared for me. I thank You because in Your Name I will not miss it, but possess it. I thank You because my afflictions are over, and my complete transformation has begun. I know that my restoration is settled now and is settled forever, in Jesus' Name. Amen


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