Loving The Lord, Loving His People

- Loving The Lord, Loving His Church 
"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind...And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" (Matt 22:37-39)
     Have you ever wondered why the scriptures never tells us to fear the Lord with all our hearts and mind, but rather to love? Well, it's because love is a greater force than fear. Fear brings torment, and God doesn't desire us to be tormented in His presence, but to be liberated. Fear may compel obedience once in a while, but only love can bring delightsome obedience. 
     In other words, God wants us to obey Him not because if we don't we'll perish, but because we now love Him. Because He understands that there can never be true fellowship where fear exists, He calls for us to embrace love.
     Now, what does it mean to love God? This is simply to put Him first. To be yielded to Him. To care about His needs as much as you care about yours. Only in this is faith substantial. Only in this is obedience possible. Many days of my life, I had found myself falling into things God already delivered me from; but in all of these His love never left me to myself. I was lost and could have been damned, but His love was constantly there to pull me back again. And I'm sure it's the same with you as well. That's what love does- it stays. So we know we love God when we are willing to stay doing what He needs as long as it pleases Him. 
      However, scriptures also tells us that we know we love God when we also love the brethren (1 John 3:14). It is the proof that we are brewing God's very life within us. The church is God's body; and when you love someone, you love them completely- head and body. And He has commanded us to love everyone and to show it in words and deeds- but most especially to those of the faith (Galatians 6:10). Scriptures say this is the commandment we have from him, that he who loves God love his brother also (1 John 4:21).
      Once again, note that the Church implied here isn't just your local assembly. It is the universal one. You owe everyone that believes in the Lord your love; and it's a debt that can never be fully paid- you just keep paying it. 
      In all you do, wherever you are, let your goal and desire always be to please the Lord and to help His people. In whatever little way you can, just ensure you are doing something. Dedicate your life to Him, and devote yourself to seeing His good pleasures done in the life of believers. This is how we prove we belong to Him- by loving Him and loving His people!

God, I thank you for this divine calling to love all men. And I also thank you because you have not left me without the ability to do so. Your Spirit relays your love in my heart, and by it I'm able to walk in love every day towards you and your people. I ask for the grace and understanding to continually abide in your will; and the spiritual strength to reflect that will in my everyday life, in Jesus Name. Amen 


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