Impossible Is Nothing

- Impossible Is Nothing
"Behold I am the Lord, the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me?" (Jeremiah 32:27)
       A popular brand's slogan reads "Impossible is Nothing". Well, if God were to have one too, that would be it; and He proved it far too many times in scripture, but today we'd look at how He did to Jeremiah firsthand. Let's do a quick recap:
      For years God had been telling the prophet that Jerusalem would be captured and destroyed, and this had landed him in the palace's cell. However, in what seemed like a month before the great fall of Jerusalem, God informed him of a great property in the city He wanted him to acquire. But with such fate awaiting the city, the acquisition of such property would be a disastrous enterprise, at least so thought Jeremiah. And so he took this brilliant argument to God. And then in the serenity of that scenery, God would utter those words in our theme scripture.
      He went further to tell him about how despite the captivity, there will be a great return back to the city, and things will be as before; and because of the deed in his hands as proof of ownership he will retain what would then be of much greater value (v.36-44).
      Here's the moral lesson there: It doesn't matter how the present conditions may be unfavorable for sowing, if God tells you to sow, you'd better comply. Remember, His ways are higher than ours, and His thoughts greater than ours. Your analysis of the market may not approve of your investment, but if God gives the go-ahead, His Word will enforce its reality to your favour. Look at Isaac; he sowed in a famine, and yet he got returns in manifold measures. Look at Peter, he cast his net when there was no wave to draw in the fish, and yet caught a draught.
       It's not about the state or condition or circumstance of the situation before you, it's about God's stance regarding the situation. Impossible is nothing to Him and if you will keep faith in Him, you'd realize it is nothing too. How could five loaves feed five thousand? How could three million eat satisfactorily in the desert for forty years? Humanly speaking it may be impossible, but with God nothing is impossible. With Him, 'impossible es nada' as that company says. So trust His words, for if He’s said it, He will see to it that He performs it (Numbers 23:19). Glory to God!

Father, I thank you because nothing is impossible for you, and as I apply this understanding in my everyday affairs nothing will be impossible for me too. I will follow the leading of your Spirit; and may you guide me to where peace and progress abide forever, in Jesus Name. Amen


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