God Knows What The Future Holds

- God Knows What The Future Holds
"You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your Book!" (Psalm 139:16 TLB)
    God knows the future even before we began the present. He knows the end from where you stand. He knew where you'd be born just as distinctly as He knows where you'd live out all phases of your life. He is in all ways well informed and well aware about the details of your life- past, present, and futuristic.
    I know most people believe that Moses could have entered the Promised Land if he hadn't struck the rock, the same way they told Jesus the man with congenital blindness was a product of his parents' misdeeds. But Jesus educated them with the truth; which is for God's wisdom to be displayed. The same people say that if Adam hadn't sinned, Jesus would never have died; but scripture says He was slain even before the foundation of the earth was lain (Rev 13:8). They try to explain spiritual transactions with human sentiments.
    Though Moses' disobedience brought forth this manifest consequence, but if we say what these people say is all there was, Joshua's destiny would be subjected to Moses' failure. But is that so? No. First of all, God never called Moses a failure, He called him faithful in all (Hebrews 3:5). Second, God never promised that Moses would take Israel into the Promised Land; rather He said "I will" (Exodus 3:8,17). Moses was to lead them out of Egypt, but Joshua was to take them into Canaan. Every man was called with a specific purpose from the day he was born, and not because someone else supposedly failed. That would make such a man as Joshua an alternative in God's plans; but in contrast He says we were made uniquely and perfectly, distinctly inscribed on the palm of His hands like a well written book.
    This doesn't mean a man's rebellious ways can't hamper what reality he experiences, thus leading to his failing in destiny as with Saul; but in this case, it was simply proof that God knows and prepares for each step of the way no man had ever conceived.
    You may want to know how this should excite you? Well, it means that God knows what comes next, and He knows the next step to its reality. He is not oblivious to your future events; as Casting Crowns said "He's already there!"- preparing it for your smooth sailing and soft landing. He has been to the end of your life, and now by His Spirit He's teaching you to number your days, guiding you safely through them all.
    To me, that's more than enough reason to be glad: Jesus is in my yesterday, today and tomorrow, just to make my life as perfect as He planned it to be. I'm excited; you should be too, because He's just as distinctly in yours as well.

Lord Jesus, I thank you because you are with me every step of the way. You know the paths that breed life, and the paths that hide death. And by your Spirit you guide and teach me how to embrace the former and avoid the latter. Because of this, I'm not afraid of what the future holds, because Your presence in it has already secured it for me. Thank you for this privilege and fellowship that helps me live as right as you made me. This I pray, in Your Name. Amen


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