You've Already Won In Christ

- You've Already Won In Christ
"He died for our sins just as God our Father planned, and rescued us from this evil world in which we live." (Galatians 1:4 TLB)
    Hope you got that? You have been rescued from the evil conditions of this world already, not waiting to be rescued. That is past tense; it is a done deal. Hallelujah! This means that there's nothing you're passing through now that God hasn't given you the victory over already. Your procession into Christ secured that (1 John 5:5 TLB). What you have to do is get conscious of this understanding and reality affirmed by the Word and live like it every day of your life.
    He said that the birds neither sow nor reap yet they have no lack, and He says He has and will do much more for you and I (Matt 6:26-32). So believe God; you don't have a problem. At least you don't have a problem that God hasn't solved already in Christ. The scriptures say that He took upon Himself all our infirmities (problems), not some of them. So, He's already paid for your respite.
    The scripture also says that He had chosen us even long before we could choose Him, and ordained us to bear abounding and abundant fruit (John 15:16). In short, you're destined for fruitfulness. Your situation may not presently look the part; but you are bound to shine. That’s what Christ purchased on your behalf at Calvary - your everlasting dominion over all circumstances. Paul said that even though we are readily faced with death and threats daily, overwhelming victory is ours already through Christ (Romans 8:37).
    Glory to God! That is, a victory whose results keeps you on top for life. Praise God! Now would be a good time to go ahead and thank God because you are on top for life. He has kept you high in heavenly places above all principalities and situations; and has made you walk upon the high places of the earth. Come on! Keep on in thanksgiving for that.

Dear Father, thank You because You have set me on high through your Son Christ Jesus. And because of this change of position, I experience a change in reality. The things that once enslaved me are now under my feet; even as I walk in the glorious liberty of the sons of God all the days of my life. All to Your glory, in Jesus' Name. Amen


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