The Proof Of Your Faith

- The Proof Of Your Faith
"Anyone who says he is a Christian should live as Christ did" (1 John 2:6 TLB)
     Christianity isn't just a way of life, it is the way that brings forth the God kind of life through you on the earth. So in essence, there are ways to validate if you're truly living as a Christian should. There are virtues that reflect this truth. The Word of God should be our mirror, and Christ our goal. Being a Christian is beyond just believing in Christ, it is about having His life revealed in and through us. And whether we like it or not, this is important.
     Before we got saved, God judged us by our faith (John 1:12), but now He does by our works (Rev 22:12). That is, not just our identity, but the application of this identity in everyday life. John 14:15 says if we really love Him, we must keep His words. Our faith in Christ must be proven by the works we perform in accordance to the Word (James 2:17). He says these works shall be tested as with fire, and only such Word-driven lives can come forth as true.
     2 John 6 goes on further to tell us that love and obedience are two peas in a pod; and all through scriptures they are shown to be the greatest proof of our devotion to God. Let's see how:
(a) Love: 1 John 2:9 says that anyone who says he is walking in the light of Christ but dislikes his fellow man, is still in darkness (TLB). And Jesus also confirms this when He said men will know we are His if we love one another. As children of God, love is our very DNA. As the Father loves the inhabitants of the world, we must also do the same as sons. Jesus never hated anyone, because if He did, He wouldn't have died for everyone. More so, faith itself works by love. And so it is truly the key to God's heart; because you only believe and honour someone you love and respect. In short, the essence of our faith is rooted in love for God and men. The more we walk in love in everything we do, say and imagine, the more of God's light we give access to be displayed through us.
(b) Obedience: 2 Corinthians 13:5 tells us to examine ourselves to prove our Christian life at all times. Jesus said that he that is not against us is for us. We can’t have and walk in a contrasting will to God's, and claim to belong to Him. This is because whoever you don't obey, you don't honour; and whoever you don't honour, you can't serve wholeheartedly. Only they that hearken to His voice are truly designated as God's people. He may love all men, but only those who let themselves to be led by Him are declared His sons. And it takes obedience to do such. This is true because without the will to obey, you will never find a way to submit to His will.
     Remember again that the Christian life is meant to be proven every day. As the light of the stars come out every day, we are called to shine in His light every day. 1 John 2:29 says "Since we know that God is always good and does only right, we may rightly assume that all those who do right are his children" (TLB). Hence, the more we live as He lives, the more people can find enough reason to glorify and return to Him through the light of Christ now clearly seen through our lives.

Thank you Father for the opportunity to represent You and Your Kingdom before all creation. I ask that You empower me by Your Spirit to live just as Jesus did every day of His life, in all that He did, before You and mankind. I ask to be a faithful ambassador of Your person from this day to my very last; all to Your glory, in Jesus' Name. Amen  


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