Overcoming The Grand Evil Scheme

- Overcoming The Grand Evil Scheme
"I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]" (John 16:33 AMP)
      The enemy will always keep fighting, but that doesn't mean he will ever overcome you - that is unless you let him. John 10:10 says his role in this world is simply to kill, steal and destroy. That is his evil scheme against all inhabitants of the earth; and with great wrath knowing he has only a little while he doesn't waste any second (Rev 12:12). He moves to and fro, up and down, looking for someone to destroy (1 Peter 5:8).
       However, in that same book of John 10, we are told that we always have an option of life and victory. Even our theme scripture tells us it is a done deal. Anyway, being well guarded doesn't mean you can't cause yourself to be loosely guarded; thereby permitting an enemy attack. Simple things like habits can be used as a Trojan horse to cunningly underwhelm the divine privileges in operation in our lives.
        Paul cautions us not to be ignorant of the devil's devices. He is patient and crafty with only one goal in mind, which is to ruin us. Like Absalom, he can wait a whole two years to execute his plan, or even four years to perfect his coup against a man. As with Judas, he can build a tower of perdition within that would eventually crush the man.
        So, how can we completely live the reality of Christ's words concerning us for a victorious life on the earth? He said 'Watch and Pray' (Matt 26:41). We watch by taking heed to obey God’s Word precept by precept (Psalm 119:9-11). This is important because only by-and in-His light can we truly overcome the darkness that comes with the enemy’s strategies. And by prayer, we break down the shackles of darkness that craftily may have creeped into our lives.
       By constantly giving yourself to prayer and Word study, by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will build your faith so high like an edifice to break down all the defenses and attacks of the evil one (Ephesians 6:10-18).

Lord Jesus, You promised that I have nothing to fear because You have overcome the world and all its powers. And now because You overcame it, I also overcome it. I have power by the Holy Spirit to trample upon all the plots and schemes of the devil. And I sanctify myself by the power of the Spirit and Your Word from every elements of darkness that may have once given them the edge over me. I believe and know it is done, in Jesus' Name. Amen


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