Doing It The Lord's Way

- Doing It The Lord's Way
"...whatsoever he saith unto you, do it" (John 2:5)
    That there is exactly how we have a complete walk in union with God. As we love what He loves, hate what He hates, allow what He allows, and disallow what He disallows, we'd be choosing His never failing ways before ours. And it is profitable always.
     And here's how: God's way works, man's way don't. The latter may seem like it it, but it always end up with more destructive effects than constructive (Pro 14:12). The flesh will always choose a path that's opposing to God's; and if God isn't in a thing, it stands no chance of truly prospering. However, when we listen and follow His own opinions, though it may appear rough and patchy at first, but it will always come through for us.
     Look at the servants in the scene of our theme scripture. It sounded like a joke to them what Jesus said, but eventually it got them the recognition and possibly the promotion they received. Remember, His way always works, because it is higher than ours in quality and results. Hence, decide from today to choose God's way first always, and to follow through with it no matter what.
" and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One" (2 Corinthians 10:5 AMP)

From today henceforth, my life is dictated to run in alignment with God's way. I walk in His path, and I'm guided by His light to please Him always. His Spirit's influenced over me is massive, causing me to do those things that are good, acceptable and perfect in His eyes so as to live the good, acceptable and perfect life He has in store for me. Glory to God!


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