Christ In You

- Christ In You
"...Christ is not weak in his dealings with you, but is a mighty power within you." (2 Corinthians 13:3 TLB)
    You are not helpless. In fact, you have all you could ever need within you to be all God says you are. Christ in you is indeed your hope of attaining such glory (Colossians 1:27). Because of His presence actively dwelling in us, there is nothing we can't do. The Scripture says we can do all things -with zero impossibility- through the strength Christ gives us (Phil 4:13).
    The Spirit of Christ empowers us to live in the glorious liberty of sons. That is, now we can live as He lives. And how did Jesus live? First, we know He lived loving mankind even when all they gave Him was abhorrence. We know He lived in dominion above all situations. That is, devils trembled before Him, fear ceased around Him, and lack fled as soon as He alighted. Indeed, His was the express image of life full of victory, righteousness and dominion. The same dominion He's given to all His saints (see Dan 7:27).
     Through His person very much at work in us, we can please God without struggling. We can live in His very good pleasures every day of our lives. Through His person, we can live above the circumstances of life (1 John 4:4). In your family, in your workplace, and even at church, you can replicate Christ's very person before those around you through your own life, because He dwells in you even as you dwell in Him. And the greater news is that His being in you is proof enough that all of Heaven and the Life He holds now reside within you. And if that can't get you excited, nothing else will. Remember, He has given you all in Christ that pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). So praise God because He who has it all forever lives in and with you. Glory to God!

The life of Christ resides in me, brewing out of me the very nature of God. A nature that has no limitations. And because of this, I live as perfectly as Christ did. I exhibit His person and power above all circumstances in all that I do every day of my life. Indeed, Christ in me is the guarantee for my glorious living, now and forever. Amen.


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