An Outlet For Signs And Wonders

- An Outlet For Signs And Wonders
"And these attesting signs will accompany those who believe: in My name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new languages; They will pick up serpents; and [even] if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will get well." (Mark 16:17-18 AMP)
    Scriptures had foretold that we are made for signs and wonders; and Jesus by His redemptive sacrifice established it. Now we can do all He did, and live as He lived. In our theme verse, we see Jesus' promise of dominion to each of us who have received Him. He says we will put demons to flight, and heal sicknesses with ease. This He says is the heritage of the Christian fellow.
     In Malta, Paul had lodged at the home of Publius the Governor; however he didn't just go there for vacation, he went there for his natural responsibility as an ambassador of Christ. The Bible says for three days, after healing the Governor's father of dysentery and a bad fever, he went ahead and healed every other sick person on the Island (Acts 28:8-9).
     Isn't that something? Believe me, no medical personnel could have achieved that in such a short period of time; but there God showed us the Christian can. He said He's given us power to heal all illnesses and to rebuke all devils (Matt 10:1). Even Moses couldn't do this; it is only the privilege of the New Creations in Christ. With this, it means you have no business being the sick fellow, or the depressed fellow, or the detrimentally challenged fellow in this story; rather it shows that regardless of your conditions, you are bound to bring solutions.
     You'd note that at this time Paul was very much a prisoner, yet he was setting people free from their captivities. You are an ordained outlet for signs and wonders. Make the most of it today; yield yourself more to the Spirit of Jesus, and live the life of a wonder to your world. Glory to God!

Lord Jesus, I thank you because You have caused me by the power of your Spirit to be a conduit of your mighty flow of power to the cities, and to the nations. I thank you because I am full with the capacity to do so. And so I surrender my life to be Your beacon to the world. I surrender myself that I may be an outlet of your wonders to my society and to the world at large every day. This I pray in your Name. Amen.


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