You Are Blessed To Bless Others

- You're Blessed To Bless Others
"David now realized why the Lord had made him the King and blessed his kingdom so greatly- it was because God wanted to pour out his kindness on Israel, his chosen people." (2 Samuel 5:12 TLB)
     Every believer is bound to be a conduit of blessings to the world. Remember, you are the light of the world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden, an avenue for men to give glory back to God (Matt 5:14-16). You are Abraham's seed, and as such a heir according to the promise. And what is this promise God made to Abraham? Genesis 12:3 says the entire world will be blessed because of you (TLB). And because you were in the spiritual loins of Abraham through Christ, God was speaking to you too.
     You're not made for yourself alone. You are like the sun; your essence is highly valued because of what you do for others with what you have been given. That is why He has blessed you with all the blessings there are, so as to bless others. You are a value adding agent in the eyes of God for the good of men. 2 Corinthians 9:8-12 tells us that God gives us all things in abundance to meet our needs and joyfully meet the needs of others so that they can praise God because of us.
     The essence of being a Christian is to draw all men unto the Lord; and God has made this possible by giving us all things that pertains to life and godliness. In Him, we have no lack; for He has supplied all our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ. All He demands now is that we use these riches to better the lives of others as well. If you are blessed with wisdom, give sound counsel to those in need of it. If you are blessed with monetary wealth, help those in need around you, especially believers like you (Gal 6:10).
      1 Timothy 6:18 says that being rich is only a license to be rich in good works as well. God has destined people to see Him through you. So don't be like the rich fool who thought all he had was his to keep, rather be like Jesus who, with all He had, went about doing good, and bringing glory to God.
       Remember, you are not just blessed; you are a blessing. A blessing brings blessedness to the lives of people. So live your life adding to others in all aspects of life, for it is more blessed to give than to receive; and that is your destiny - to give; for by you shall all the people be blessed.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for You have made me just as you are- a light to the world, and a hope for its redemption. I ask that you empower me with sufficient grace to be a conduit of your love, power and riches to the people, and to the communities, and to the nations, and to the ends of the earth. Help me to live as a blessing to all around me, even now and forever, in Jesus' Name. Amen


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