Living A Purpose-Driven Life

- Living A Purpose-Driven Life
"And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou has received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it". (Colossians 4:17)
      Everybody was born with a laid down purpose for his or her life (Ps 139:16). In God's itinerary, there is a specific path for each individual, and completely fulfilling our roles on these paths is pivotal in the fulfillment of what we call destiny. We may have many gifts, but we have one purpose each.
      A lot of us make a lot of fuss about living a long life, but as I have always said, a long life isn't measured by the number of years one existed, but by the number of years one had been awake to his real self. Many are alive, but only a bunch are awake. "Awake" here means being fully aware of who you are and your original functionality in this world, and bringing yourself to live utmostly to perform it.
     Jesus said "For this purpose was I born that I may testify of the truth". He also said "[I] live as it is written of me". Jesus lived out his life on the lushy field of purpose. In other words, He fulfilled His reason for living on the earth. A lot of people may have thought He died untimely because He died so young. Well, they were wrong. Life is transient. People are born and people die. What's important is how well in accordance with God's plan we use the time that has been afforded us.
      Dying at 33 isn't untimely if you have completed the very purpose for which you were made- that is, the task assigned to you by God to accomplish here on earth. In contrast, dying at 99 can be if you lived only in existence and not in maximizing your given purpose here. In short, a man who lived 35 years fulfilling purpose is he who lived a long life, and not he who spent 50 years doing none of it. This is what God means by satisfying us with long life - that is, a fruitful life that keeps yielding returns as designated with each passing moment.
      God created you with a purpose in mind, and you must live appropriating that purpose every day of your life. That is true living. Don't just exist, live my friend. Don't just be another person in another body, be the unique you God had written about eternities ago. It may not be the most popular task, but everything God calls us to do that tells the world of the brilliant grace of Christ in creation is perfect in His sight. (2 Corinthians 4:1).
      A truly fulfilling life leaves no room for regret, in that thin interface of time between life and death, because you have lived all you possibly could. In fact, a man driven by purpose is never afraid of death, and really never dies, because in comparison to the summit of life he has tasted from, death is only an abstract thing- a portal to more expressions of his life. This is because he has tasted true life, and death has nothing on it. Paul said "I am now ready to be offered.... I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" (2 Tim 4:6-7). Like Paul don't just continue doing it how everyone else is doing it this year, there is a course set before you - follow it and finish it.
      So, what will it be? Mere existence or true living? If your answer is number two, then starting today choose the discovery and pursuit of purpose first. I wish you a long life, but much more than that I hope you have a fulfilling one.

I am made to be more than what I presently am. I have a special role that is unique to me and only me in the sight of God, and in this world. Therefore, by the power of the Spirit in me, I refuse to be conditioned to live just any kind of life. I will fulfill my divine purpose. I will fulfill my destiny. And I will be all the Lord says I am, and can be. Praise God!


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