Go To The Potter

- Go To The Potter
"But the jar that he was forming didn't turn out as he wished, so he kneaded it into a lump and started again" (Jeremiah 18:4 TLB)
       Everything comes to shape in the hands of the potter. And God is this potter. It is very possible right now that even though you're a Christian, there are still some habitual tendencies that keep you falling and failing all day long. Well, God is saying "come to Me".
       In our theme verse, He shows us how the potter transforms a vessel of seemingly less quality or that may have lost its shape into the very image He had in mind from the beginning; which is the same thing Jesus meant when He said 'Come unto me all you that are heavily burdened and I will give you rest' (Matt 11:28). So yes, God can help you.
      And how will He do this?
      First, by His Holy Spirit in you. The scriptures say that He is constantly at work in you by His Spirit bringing you into conformity with the Lord (see 2 Cor 3:18). That is, He is aligning your very nature in Christ with your everyday life in application until you come to the fullness of the stature of Christ.
      Second, He does this transformative act by the Word given unto you. Every time you ingest His Word, you kind of like give me a conducive ground to sculpt your life into shape again. The more you study and imbibe God's Word, the more easier it becomes to break from your old habits. It brings forth a light that dispels the darkness entangling you, and repels any attempt of its to crawl back in (Psalm 119:9,130). People fall when they don't walk by the Word (1 Peter 2:8), but stand strong when they live in accordance to it (Josh 1:8).
      Christ can make in you all that is pleasing to Him, and disrupt from you all that displeases Him (Heb 13:21). All you have to do is return to where He can help you. Return to the intimate fellowship with Him He so desires. Return back to the Potter's house. The Potter's house is everywhere you can find Christ. And you can find His fullness through the Spirit and in the Word. Therefore, engage the Holy Spirit in your daily affairs to help and guide you. And give yourself to the Word to remould, fine-tune and reshape you. And yes I know that when He's done with you, you'll come forth brand new all over again to the glory of God.

Lord God, I present myself to You to reshape me, and bring me to the perfect conformity of your son Jesus. Help me by your Spirit and the Word to overcome my past failures, and to live victoriously above my present struggles, that I may create a future that brings nothing but glory to your holy name, in Jesus' Name. Amen


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