Give Attention To Your Family

- Give Attention To Your Family
"But if anyone does not take care of his relatives, especially the members of his own family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever" (1 Tim 5:8 GNB)
      The closest church to you is your family; and so it baffles me when men discard the welfare- spiritual, physical and emotional -of their families in the name of giving their all to the local church. Your family is as local as it gets, and should not be neglected.
       Your wife is a helpmeet from God, not a burden; and your kids are God's heritage. And so it means it is this core of the family circle that determines how far your household will go in Kingdom service. That is, if your family is constantly nurtured in the ways of the Lord and their general livelihood, and not neglected, there is a hope for your generations to come in the Lord. In Joel 1:3, God admonishes us to carefully teach them to love Him, and in each generation of time as detailed in scripture He kept instructing men to do the same- proving how important it is to Him; but how will they understand love if you don't show it to them?
       In 1 Peter 3, we see that Peter asks us to focus first on the family's welfare (v.1-7), and then the local church's (v.8-9). God is very interested in the family. In fact, until God is established, and His love is reflective, in the home, living a fruitful Christian life may prove difficult. The future of the Christian church lies in the hands of the Christian home; so from today give special attention to your family - to teach them God's ways, and to show them God's love. This is because they'd grow up to give to the world what they were given at home.

Dear Father, give me the wisdom to care for my family effectively. To love and guide them in your ways. To meet their needs in every way; so that through my life, they may also learn to love you more and more everyday. So help me Lord, in Jesus' Name. Amen


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