Exemplifying The God-Life

- Exemplifying The God-Life
"I said, You are gods [since you judge on My behalf, as My representatives]; indeed, all of you are children of the Most High." (Psalm 82:6 AMP)
     Every child of God carries His DNA. That is, he can think like God (1 Cor 2:16), act like God (Zech 12:8), and live like God (John 6:57). It is our natural inclination in Christ. And this includes you too.
     In other words, every thing Jesus did, you can do too. You can please God, and walk in the heights of His wisdom and wonders. All things are bound to be possible for you as they are to God. It's the natural experience of the saint, and many already have enjoyed it. Let's take an example in Paul- a fellow believer of Christ like you and I, endowed with the Spirit of God like you and I.
     Paul had just preached in Iconium, alongside Barnabas, that the entire Greek population believed. But seeing they couldn't discredit his deeds, they attacked his person, thereby inciting a mob. Because of what those Jews had done, Paul went to other cities. And in Lystra, two peculiar things happened:
    First, Paul healed a lame man by simply being normal. He was preaching, and could see a man excited in his spirit at the word of God, and asked him to stand. Perhaps he didn't know the man was lame due to the massive crowd, and just made a casual request possibly to elaborate more about the gospel to him, but at that the lame man stood (Acts 14:10). I wonder what they would have started referring to him now that he was no longer lame. Paul completely changed that man's identity that day by the virtues of God upon him. It was so awesome that they began to think he was a god.
     Secondly, when the same Jewish antagonists incited another mob to stone Paul, the scripture confirmed him to have been apparently dead, but to the surprise of all, he rose up and continued living (v.19-20). Isn't that wonderful? Normal men may have stayed dead, but he wasn't normal. And we aren't too. Normal men couldn't have transformed a man's life from being deformed to being in-form; and he wasn't, and so are we. We are children of the Most High, embodied with wonders and life from above. What suppresses others can't suppress us. What kill others can't kill us. We are of a different kind, a different breed. We are as God Himself. Glory to God! All we have to do is practice the life (Ephesians 5:8). For that's the kind of life God demands of us- a life that exemplifies His.

I'm the exact image of the Lord Jesus, and so the things that respond in obeisance to Him are naturally inclined to respond to me. I'm of a different kind. I'm not of the usual class. My class is the God-class. All things are possible for me, and all things are ordained mine, because I am Christ's, and Christ is God's. This is my life. The God kind of life. I live it today and I live it always. Hallelujah!


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