Desisting From Vain Pursuits

- Desisting From Vain Pursuits
"Before every man there lies a wide and pleasant road that seems right but ends in death." (Proverbs 14:12 TLB)
    There is a path for every man in life. Not every path holds the same verdict for an individual. While a path may be seemingly hitch-free to one person, it may be a deathly hollow to another. And so it is only expedient that we find the right path for our individual life journeys on the earth.
    The Scripture above states that there is a way that appears physically pleasant and appealing, but its effect on a man can be dangerously disastrous. Little wonder we are warned not to live by sight alone, but also by faith. Faith here could also imply being aligned to God's will per time unwaveringly- Seeking His direction and following it without remorse.
     In 2 Samuel 2, we see how David got to become king of Judah. First, he sought God's direction, and as He proceeded to the place God had pointed out, he found glory revealed (v. 1-4). It wasn't the place that truly mattered, but that God's plan for him was situated in it.
    Then we also see Asahel in a latter verse, who kept chasing after Abner until that endeavor killed him (v.23). Many people are like that, but their individual Abners differ. To some, it's the greed for money; for others, it's the gratification of their fleshy desires. These bunch continually pursue these vices until it ruins them. Such things only draw a man far away from God's will so as to make him a slave to the devil's whip. But that shouldn't be your story. You are a child of God, and His will should be your delight; and His path your home.
    David said when everyone and everything failed him, God took him and set him on His path (Psalm 27:10). On God's path, you will find glory. Remember Jesus who was obedient to God's will and thus received glory. To you then, seek His will and follow it. Cease your vain pursuits of things with no worth before God, and seize the chance to uncover your true life in Him; for in the delight of His will alone is the manifestation of all that can be yours (Psalm 37:4)

Lord Jesus, it is my desire to walk in your paths. Help me to set my desires on your will and way first. Give me grace to do the things that please you and those that bring glory to your name. Keep me delighted in your will and word always, so that through it I may in manifestation become a living conduit of your glory to all the worlds near and afar. This I ask, in Jesus' Name. Amen


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