Choose To Be Happy

- Choose To Be Happy
" Though the fig tree does not blossom and there is no fruit on the vines, [though] the product of the olive fails and the fields yield no food, though the flock is cut off from the fold and there are no cattle in the stalls, Yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will exult in the [victorious] God of my salvation!" (Habakkuk 3:17-18 AMP)
    Happiness is a choice. Smiling is a conscious act and decision. This is because the human face is naturally inclined to frown. That is, to frown you don't even have to do anything. Keeping a straight face is by far only a thinner line closer to frowning than it is to smiling. So, to smile has to be deliberate. And to be happy has to be intentional. There is no accidental happiness. True happiness comes from within. It is intentional. It comes because inside of us is a flood of joy bubbling in our souls. Even our events can't affect it. It may cloud it for a while, but a happy person will always be happy regardless of circumstance.
    That, my friend, is how God wants to see the believer - happy regardless of circumstance. This is because only a person who has joy that's independent of events can truly restore the lustre lacked in the souls of others. And oh how greatly the world around need a joy revival in their lives.
    There is a source of joy that cannot be touched by the events around you, and that's where God would have you. Galatians 5 tells us that the complete package of the Spirit of Christ's fruit in us has joy in it (v.22-23). The day we became born again we received access to a joy that cannot be tampered with by the harshest of situations. So, believe me, you can be happy. I don't care if you don't have a spouse yet, or a job, or a child, or your dream life, or if you're at your wits end with no remedy in sight, you can be happy. You have all you need in you to be happy; you simply have to exercise it.
    Things around you may not have changed, but things within you aren't the same anymore. The presence of God within you is joy sufficient (Psalm 16:11). All you have to do is make the choice to live the life you have been gifted within on the outside too. The conditions are set perfectly within, so focus more on what's within. Don't focus on the disappointments and heartbreaks; don't focus on the past failures, focus on the truth of God's Word, and it says you are truly blessed where you stand. A spouse is great; a job is great; a child is great; the dream life is great; but none of them is the source of your true happiness. You may not have them now, but if you have God, you have it all.
   Your happiness is your responsibility; only you can make it to be manifested. God has done His part, now you must do yours. Habakkuk knew it then, and it's very much valid today. Hence, choose to be happy.

God, I thank you because you have good thoughts always concerning me. Your plans for me are always of good and never of evil. And so Father I'm confident that nothing can steal your joy from me. I ask for the grace to live a victorious life regardless of circumstances everyday. Thank you Lord for answering me, in Jesus' Name. Amen


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